Music & Groceries

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As we get to my front door I realize I forgot reusable bags. "Shit, be right back!" I turn and sprint back up the stairs, unlock my door and grab my shopping bags. I noticed it was pretty sunny outside so I grab a black baseball cap too. I swipe my AirPods as well, I love to listen to music when I walk somewhere. I get back down the stairs and see Lizzie putting her ring on. I give her a questioning glance.

"My publicist says I should wear it in public until we officially say something about it. Just in case I'm recognized." I nod and put my cap on, tying my hair into a ponytail. We walk out of my building and I take my AirPods out of my pocket.

"Want to listen to some tunes on our way?" I ask. She nods and swipes one of the pods from me settling it in her ear. I open up Spotify and look through some saved playlists. I smirk and choose this playlist someone made called "drinking oat milk lattes with Elizabeth Olsen" that I found on Tiktok. Let's see if she likes it. I press play and Riptide starts playing, I notice Lizzie bops her head a little and smile. We walk along the street glancing at strangers as we go, listening to the calming playlist. Lizzie's hand bumps into mine as she gets closer to me. I notice there are lots of people out on this nice day and nonchalantly put my arm around her shoulder keeping her close. She looks up at me and smiles in thanks, her eyes look at my cap and she takes it off my head, choosing to wear it instead. I shake my head at her.

"What, I have to make sure I'm not recognized." She explains. I nod and leave it be. We fell in love in October starts playing and I'm curious to see if she knows the song. She looks deep in thought as I glance at her. She looks up at me and says "What's this song? I like it." I smirk and let her know. She quirks an eyebrow, "Why do you find that amusing?" She questions me.

"Oh, nothing, nothing at all." She gives me a threatening look. "Okay fine, it's just kind of funny because there's this thing in the Alphabet Mafia that if you listen to this artist then you like girls. It's a stereotype thing that I find hilarious." She hums in thought.

"I mean it makes sense, the lyrics scream fruity." I laugh at her comment and use of internet slang and nod. The next song starts playing called Green Eyes. Well, this is fitting. She doesn't comment on this one and we finally reach the store. "You are on cart duty, go on and get one. I'll meet you in the veggies." She commands.

"Yes ma'am!" I salute and complete my task. "Do I need vegetables though?" I ask when I find her picking up something I don't know the name of.

"Yes now hush." She puts what she's found in the cart and I just let her get whatever she desires even if I have no idea what it is. Ophelia starts playing in our ears and a look of recognition fills her face. "I like this song!" I smile at her excitement. This is what I mean by sunshine face. No matter what her expression she lights up the room even through sunglasses or a mask. I continue to follow her as she looks at different produce and hand selects certain items.

"So, who's going to cook with this stuff cuz it sure isn't going to be me." I tease her.

"I will, duh." She responds like I should have known that.

"Uh when? I thought these were for my apartment?" I'm confused. She is picking out groceries for my fridge, right?

"They are, but I'll need something to work with when I cook the next time." She responds, again like it makes complete sense. Safe Harbour by Fleetwood Mac starts playing and she continues, "Oooo Fleetwood Mac is my fave". I'm still looking at her like she's grown 3 heads. Is she implying she will be coming over more?

"Uh, Liz-  I mean Beth, what do you mean by next time?" I question.

"Why are you calling me Beth?"

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now