Home & Reassurance

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After giving the paparazzi another show when we touch down in New York, we hop into an Uber to head back to my apartment.

"Why do you pose for the paparazzi? I thought getting your picture taken randomly wasn't your thing?" Lizzie questions during our ride.

"I figured if they are going to take pictures I better give them some good stuff. People thought our little performance in the street was adorable. And they seem to like when I joke around with the paparazzi. If I want your fans to like me I gotta give them something to like." I shrug.

"You're cute, but even if my fans didn't like you I would still be with you." She assures me and I shrug.

"It's weird having cameras pointed at me, so I chose to make the most out of it and joke around. It's better than letting it freak me out." I conclude and kiss her cheek. She nods, accepting my answer.

We pull up to my building and get our stuff out of the car. I find my keys and let us in. I open up the door to my apartment and sigh. It feels good to be home. I smile at the little reminders of Lizzie around the space and jump when she smacks my ass.

"Would you go in, I'm tired babe." She grunts and I realize I'm blocking her path inside.

"Oh sorry" I shuffle inside and we dump our bags in the living room. We are both exhausted from traveling so we decide to take a shower then head to bed. She falls asleep easily, cuddled up to my side but I lay awake. Despite how tired I am I can't seem to calm my thoughts enough to fall asleep. 5 more weeks. That's all I get before we are both back to work, on opposite sides of the country. I think about the time difference and how we will have to find a time to call each other that works for the both of us. I think about the breaks I have from school and affording a plane ticket to visit her. She probably doesn't have a lot of time off during filming so I'm probably going to be going to her most of the time but that doesn't bother me at all.

I briefly think about finding a different job. I like teaching, I like the school I'm at, but I've always wanted to do more. I want to design curriculum or be a consultant. I could even be an online teacher and create a blog for teachers. There are options where I don't have to be confined to one place. I can travel with her and still be in education. It would be a big change, and would take a while to figure out but at least I would be able to be with her. She wouldn't like me changing careers just for her though just like I didn't like the idea of her buying an apartment just to be closer to me. I sigh softly and push the thought to the back of my head. I can look into it if it comes to that.

I look down at Lizzie, her face relaxed and beautiful. I would do anything for her but at the same time I have my own life plans. Anxiety fills my stomach at the thought. Her and Robbie broke up because they were on different paths and wanted different things. What if we break up because of our different paths? What would make our situation any different? Being on different paths is even more a given for us because of our different life styles and careers. I bite my lip and will the tears to go away. Why would it work out with me and not him? The insecurities flood my body and I'm about to get up to go on a walk or something when Lizzie mumbles something in her sleep.

"Y/N" she mumbles between incoherent words. I soften and realize whatever she is dreaming about includes me. I watch her face scrunch up and pout at her furrowed eyebrows. I push between her eyebrows and her face relaxes. "Love you" she mumbles out and snuggles her face into my neck. Her lips move against my neck as she continues mumbling random shit. I check the time and notice its 3 am. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping to fall asleep and I guess it works because I wake up to kisses on my lips hours later.

I open my eyes slowly and smile at Lizzie's adorable bed head. "Get up, princess. We are going on an adventure." She states with excitement and I yawn in response, covering my mouth.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now