Playlists & Breaking the Rules

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I wake up the next morning to my phone buzzing. I battle with Lizzie's tight hold on me to reach it and manage to answer it in time.

Me: Hello?

Mom: Hi sweetie!

Me: Oh hi mom! What's up?

Mom: I was actually going to ask you that, is this you with Elizabeth Olsen.

I tense. Oops. Forgot to update my mother.

Me: Uhhh, yeah that's me. It's kind of a long story mom.

Mom: How did you even meet her? You met her sisters too?

Me: You've done your research

Mom: Of course I have! I saw the article from yesterday and then saw the Fallon interview which led to the pictures of you with her outside of Fallon. This is crazy!

Me: Trust me mom I know. But, we are keeping things as secretive as possible. Lizzie doesn't want everything about me to get out all at once.

Mom: Well that's good, I wouldn't want anything to stress you out like that. But tell me about her! How did you become friends?

I explain how we met, getting lunch in Little Italy, and the walk on the Brooklyn Bridge. Asking her to stay with me and the Governor's Island trip. I leave out the more romantic aspects but that doesn't stop my mom from figuring it out.

Mom: You like her don't you?

Me: I really do mom. And it's kind of a weird situation, but she makes me happy.

Mom: Well do I get to meet her?

I laugh

Me: Yes mom, she will probably be here when you come to visit. You are going to adore her.

Mom: I think I like her already. I can hear the smile on your face and she's protecting you. I can't wait to come visit now! Can I go clubbing next time too?

I laugh, oh my god, my mother ladies and gentleman.

Me: We can do something fun mom, it will be my birthday weekend so fun is required.

Mom: This is so exciting! I just want to know more about her. But I'll let you be, just keep me updated next time yeah?

Me: Deal. I love you, mom.

Mom: Love you too sweetie, tell Elizabeth I'm excited to meet her.

Me: Will do, bye

I hang up once she says bye and smile up at my ceiling. That went better than expected.

"I'm excited to meet your mom." A raspy voice whispers into the silence. I jump slightly and turn my attention to the beautiful woman looking up into my eyes.

"Good morning, Angel." I greet tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Morning, baby." She responds giving me a sweet smile. Her eyes sparkle and I hold my breath in amazement.

"She saw the articles and interview, I got busted." I joke.

"You haven't told your mother about me yet, how rude." She teases.

"You got it, dude." I tease back and she rolls her eyes when she realizes her mistake. I giggle evilly. "I was so wrapped up in you I forgot about everything else, which is slightly concerning, but makes sense. How could you not be distracting?" I flirt.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now