Emotions & Solutions

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Waking up for work on Monday morning was hard, not because I didn't want to work, but I really didn't want to leave Lizzie's warm embrace. She was still asleep, which doesn't happen often. She usually is up and about before I even think about waking up. I let her sleep and get ready for work. When I get back into my bedroom, Lizzie has shifted to cuddle up to my pillow and I smile softly. I lean down to kiss her forehead then sit down at my desk to get to work. My first class goes well and I end the meeting with a sigh. I lean back in my chair and smile up at the ceiling, twisting back and forth in my desk chair.

"What is that adorable smile for?" Lizzie's morning voice fills the silence.

I sit up and spin to face her, "I'm really happy with where my life is at right now." I explain. She gets up from her place in my bed and walks up to me to straddle my lap. She settles into my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. I rest my hands on her thighs and tilt my chin up to meet her lips for a sweet morning kiss. She bites her lip as she pulls away but the smile that grows on her face forces her lip out from between her teeth.

"I'm really happy too. Good morning, Princess" She whispers.

I hum, "Good morning, Angel. Did you sleep well?" She nods and hugs me, resting her chin on my shoulder. I smile and turn back to my computer to do some work letting Lizzie stay on my lap as I type on my computer. She plants a few soft kisses on the side of my neck and I grin. She's so cute. I use one hand to rub her back causing her to sigh in pleasure.

"This is nice. Can I stay here all day?" She questions in a raspy voice.

"I think my students would probably notice the extra body attached to me." I tease

"Well, then you have to cuddle me between classes." She negotiates.

"Deal." She smiles and seals it will a kiss. She gets up and I playfully slap her ass as she leaves the room. She flips me off and continues to start her day. I turn back to work with a smile on my face. The rest of the day goes as planned, I work and Lizzie gets her cuddles when I'm not teaching. She works on producer stuff for Sorry for Your Loss and has a couple of phone calls that she takes outside for Marvel things so we don't interrupt each other. She's been outside for a while now and I'm slightly worried but as soon as I start to get anxious my door opens. Her expression is unreadable.

"Everything okay?" I question.

"Oh yeah, totally good." She replies not meeting my eyes.

"That wasn't convincing," I state, making my way towards her. Something isn't right.

"Sorry, uh. I just got off the phone with my publicist. There is another article about us." She explains.

"Okay? Is it bad?" My heart starts beating quickly.

"Uhm, define bad?"

"Okay, now you are scaring me. Please elaborate." I start to fiddle with my fingers, nerves getting the best of me. Lizzie notices and holds my hands in hers trying to give me some comfort.

"Everything is fine, there may be some questionable pictures of us but it's fine." She explains, trying to make eye contact with me.

"Questionable?" I turn around, slipping my hands out of hers, and search her name on my computer. I find the article and the headline tells me a lot: Lizzie's Mysterious New Friend is actually her New Lover?
I scroll down and see pictures of us at Strawberry Fields and the Castle, but they are platonic enough. Then there's a picture of our silhouettes under the archway clearly kissing and a picture of us leaving the archway with huge smiles on our faces. Okay, the pictures are cute, but the amount of nerves in my body is overwhelming. This is my fault. I jump as Lizzie's hands start massaging my shoulders. "I'm sorry." I apologize.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now