Air Matressess & Iron Man

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As we walk up to my building door I get nervous. Is my apartment clean? Will she like it? As my mind runs wild it's like she realizes my nerves.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" She questions softly, trying to meet my eyes.

"Uh, yeah, I'm good. Um. Let's head up, sorry if it's a mess, I don't really remember what state I left it in." I smile awkwardly as I find the right key.

"I don't care Y/N, I'm just thankful I've escaped the questioning for the night." She assures me as we walk up the two flights of stairs. We reach my door and I fiddle with my keys trying to unlock my door and hide my nerves. I finally get the door unlocked and push it open for her, gesturing for her to go inside. She slowly walks in her eyes scanning the small living room/kitchen. I watch as she patiently walks around the small space, taking in the pictures and other decorations of the space. I continue to observe her as I shrug off my jacket and hang it up. I walk up behind her and slowly help her take hers off too. It breaks her out of her observant state and she smiles, "Thanks, its cute and homey. I like it."

I smile back and turn to hang up her coat. "Well, Mi casa es su casa. Make yourself comfortable." I give her a quick tour. It's only a 1 bedroom so it doesn't take long.

"Here is the bathroom, if you need a shower or anything you can totally do that. This is the kitchen living room area of course. Um and then this is my bedroom. Which is fitting since it's made up of mostly my bed." I smile awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed at the small apartment. Thankfully it was clean, I had cleaned it last night when I couldn't calm myself down from my day with her. I watch as she looks around the walls, at the trinkets on my desk, my messy bed and the sticker-covered desk drawers.

She turns and makes eye contact with me, "Obsession with stickers confirmed." She smirks.

I huff out a laugh and nod. She continues her look around pausing at a poster on my wall. Oh, I forgot that was there.

"You really do like Iron man huh? Where's your Wanda poster? I'm offended." She teases. I blush and scratch the back of my neck.

"I honestly forgot I had that up," I state simply, trying to hide my embarrassment.

Her eyes fall to a photo mural I have up and she gets closer to it, observing quietly. Once she's done she picks up a tiny Thor's hammer spinner from my desk and spins it around, smiling softly but doesn't say anything. She keeps playing with it as she sits on my bed and looks up at me watching her from the doorway. I raise an eyebrow at her in question.

"I like it, it's very you. Although, the amount of poetry books is surprising, I thought you were more of a STEM teacher than an English teacher with all the math puzzles on your desk." She tilts her head in question.

"I teach math, so you'd be correct. But, the only type of books that I enjoy have little words or lots of pictures. Hence the poetry obsession. " She nods in understanding. I notice her eyes sparkle in the light of the lamp I turned on and try to look away as her eyes continue to sweep around like she's trying to find out even more about me. My focus shifts to her hands, still fiddling with the spinner in her hold. It makes me smile. She perks up when her eyes land on something.

"You sing?"

I nod, "From time to time." I follow her gaze to the microphone set up and guitar leaning against my wall. My stomach twists and turns as she finds out more and more about me with her observant eyes. She's really smart, so I wouldn't be surprised if she unearths some of my deepest darkest secrets from a random thing in my room. "Do you need anything? I can get some food ready?" I ask calmly.

"Actually, can I do dinner? You got to pay for lunch, I think it's fair if I make dinner." She requests sweetly. I swear she widened her eyes to some subtle puppy dog eyes. How could I say no to her? I smile and nod.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now