1.Your pov

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💭All i could think was run, run as fast as you can. Don't let them see you. And for the love of god DON'T GET CAUGHT.

I ran and ran and ran.

"I CAN SEE HER!!" one of the hunters shouted to the rest.

And soon enough the woods was filled with gunshots.
I ran around trees, over rocks, under branches and through bushes.
They were right behind me, i could hear it.
And as if my prayers were heard a building came to sight.
I took all of my last energy and ran the fastest i ever have.
I chrashed through the door, i didn't have time to turn around but i could still hear their footsteps.

I looked around and found an open door.
I walked in as slowley and carefuly as i could to not make a noice.
I leaned my big cat body against the door so it shut and the lock klicked.
After looking around i figured baste on the smell of swett, testostreon and man perfume that i was in the boys lockeroom.

"Where the fuck could she have gone?!"
"Every door is locked."
"She must have gotten out."
"Okay, lets go look on the otherside."

I walked over to the door after i heard that they did indeed leave.
I used my paw to check the door and it was locked.


I turned around and walked into one of the four corners of the room, in between some lockers and layed down.
I put my head on my paw and closed my eyes.

💭May as well get some sleep.

You are a tiger shifter.
But you have lived as a tiger for 12 years in a row.
You don't remember how to turn back or anything else about being a human.

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