17.Stiles's pov

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Scott, Liam, Isaac and i are standing in the middel of the woods waiting for Derek to show up.

"He calls us in the middel of the night for us to meet him in the fucking woods. He should at least be here!" Isaac growls.

"HE is right behind you" Derek say making his presant known.

"Follow me, and be quiet" he orders and start running while crouching.

"Follow me, and be quiet" he orders and start running while crouching

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(Like they do in games)

We did the same following him for a few minuts until we saw smoke.
Derek hinted for us to lay down on the ground and crawl to the eage of the hill so we could get a good look without being seen.

"They are hunters. And not any hunters. They are called, The Deadly attackers" Derek wisper.

"Thats kinda cocky, the name i mean" Liam scoffs.

"They don't call themself anything.
That name are what the supernaturals call them" he anwser making us all turn white.

"Isnt that boy from Devenford?" Scott ask pointing to a boy that looks to be around 11 being dragged in between two men.

We all look at the hunters that now are shouting, laughing and joking around about the young boy.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" A woman walk up to the boy lifting his chin up looking at him.

"A young werewolf, hmmm.
WHAT DO WE DO WITH YOUNG WEREWOLFS?!" The lady shouts to the hunters.




we look at eachother with big eyes not really beliveing what was going on right infront of us.

"Now now, we are more classy than that" the woman i asume is the leader continue.

They all grin and look at the terrifyed boy thats now sobbing.

"Slice him in half" she smirk at the young boy.

Scott try to get up but Derek holds him down.

"You can't save him Scott. But you all need to see this. You need to know who they are and what they do" he wisper yelled.

We look at the boy thats now being dragged into a room screaming and crying. The leader sits down by the fire with the rest laughing. When the screams stop we could hear what they were saying.

"How long are we staying?" A man ask the leader.

"Until we find her" she anwser.

"Whats so special about her anyway?" He ask earning a glear.

"She is the only weretiger left.
I killed them all. All i need is to kill her and the whole spicies will be gone" she smile.

"Y/N" Isaac whisper.

Derek nod. Scott clench his fists, Liam growl quietly and Isaac stear at the woman with so much hate i could feel it. The two men that dragged the boy walk out of the room. They are carrying the young boy's body. They hang half of his body from a tree close to a clearling and the other half from a tree by the fire. The sight was horrible. Blood all over the men, laughing people and a split body.

"Lets leave" Derek wisper. We crawl back down the hill then walk quietly back to where we met up.

"Im never going to sleep again" Isaac say.

"They are after y/n" Liam say worried.

"She's safe. Only we know where she is" Derek say trying to calm the upset werewolf.

"Are those the ones that followed her here?" Scott ask as we stop walking now standing beside my car.

"I belive so" Derek sigh putting his hands in his pockets with a concernd look on his face.

"We have to get them out of Beacon Hills" Isaac say looking twards where we just came from.

"Can't we just call your dad Stiles? He can take with him the rest of the police and they can arrest them for the murder of that boy?" Liam ask looking at me.

"Thats a good idéa" i say as i pull out my phone.

I tell my dad everyting we saw.
We stood by my car when five police cars arrive. We lead them to where we saw them. But they were gone. All the tents, all the suplies and the people.

"They were right here?!" I yell.

The officers look around and soon we heard...

"Sheriff...you should see this"

Everyone walked over to where the fire had been. It was signs of the fire but what we all are stearing at...was the boy's body.
We all drove back to the Sheriff office for questioning. After Scott and i was done it was Isaac and Liam's turn. We sat in silence trying to prosess what happend when the doors flew open and a woman ran in.

"Is it true?! Is my son dead?!" She ask while shouting at my dad.

"Im sorry for your loss, he was such a young boy" my dad anwser.

She falls to the floor sobbing. I look over at Scott who looks like he was going to break down at anytime now. I hug him tight. This gets the woman's attention.

"Are you the guys who found him?" She ask with a shaking voice.

"Im sorry we couldn't save your son" Scott anwser, now crying.

She walk twards us, Scott stands up. He looks down in shame. The woman pull him into a hug and they start to cry together.

"I...im...so..sorry" He continue to apologise.

"Im sorry you had to witness it, especially at your age" she say wiping away his tears with her thumb gentaly.

He gave her a soft but sad smile and hug her again.

"Im sorry for your loss"

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