2.Stiles's pov

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I stumbeld on the stairs on my way up.

"Stiles what the fuck are you doing? It's the middel of the night"

Scott crossed his armes but let me in.
I walked back and forth in his room.

"Stiles just get on with it."
"There's a tiger!"
"A what?"

He looked at me with big eyes before finally anwsering.

"Call the pack."

A few minuts later and everyone was in his livingroom.

"Okay..so the reason behind this meeting is that there is a tiger on the loose"

Isaac looked up.

"What does that have to do with us? It's no tigers in Beacon Hills"

"That's the thing Isaac. It is now."

They all looked at eachother with raised eyebrows.

"I say we go to school as usual.
After school we go out and look for it.
It has probly left by then" Scott say.

And that's how it went.
Everyone left and two hours later it was time for school.

Scotts pov

As i walked with Stiles, Isaac and Liam to the lockeroom for practise we heard screams and loud talking inside.
We looked at eacother for a split second before we all ran in the door.
To say we were suprised would be a understatement.

There, right in front of us was the tiger.
It was being backed up into a corner by the other boys.
Some of them were filming and taking pictures.
Others poked it with their lacrosse stick.
Isaac was the first one to react.


They did as told.
We walked slowley twards it.
It looked scared, no terrifyed.

"Stay here"

I wisperd to the others.
I walked slowley up to it and sat down a feew feet away.
It looked around the room at all of the boys. And all of them looked back at it.

"Someone call the police"

Jackson took his phone out and was about to call when something klicked in the tigers eyes.

It jumped at Jackson.
Everyone gasped as they hit the floor.
We all ran to his side ready to take the tiger of him.

But right before.
It lifted it self up and steped on the phone, breaking it.
Then it slowley went back to its corner.
Everyone was in shock.

"Jackson are you okay? Did it hurt you?" Danny ask helping him up.

Jackson stood up with wide eyes.

"No. It didn't even use it's claws" Jackson anwserd looking at the tiger in shock rather then fright.

"It just wanted your phone..." Stiles said.

"Okay, so no police"

Theo anwserd while sitting down.
Again it was like it understood what we were saying.

It slowly walked up to Theo and let it's head rest on his leg.
At first Theo was clearly scared, but after a while he put one of his hands out and the big cat lifted it's head up to it.

"Yooo, boys im petting a tiger!"

I looked over at my pack.
They all looked back at me just as confused. It was totally calm and everyone around slowley became the same.
But then.

"Careful now Theo. Don't want you to get killed. Like your sister."
One of the guys said.

Theo closed his eyes trying to stop himself and he did.
But then the tiger growled at the boy.
And walked a few steps twards him while showing of it's impressive set of theeth. It stood protectively infront of Theo.

Then it roard.

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