Help is Around the Corner 3

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

Lunch in the cafeteria ends for the trio when Addison's pager goes off, and she beckons Meredith and Cristina to follow her.

"Alright, we've got a preemie to deliver. You're both scrubbing in," says Addison.

"Awesome," Meredith beams.

"Cool," says Cristina, always happy for surgery, even if it isn't cardio.

Mrs. Frazer is happy to see them, very ready to see her kid for the first time.

"Hello happy doctors," says Mrs. Frazer.

"Hello," Meredith and Cristina say in chorus.

"We'll take good care of you and your baby," says Addison as they wheel her to the O.R.

"Just count back from ten," says Meredith gently as they start the anesthesia.

And then they begin.

Addison allows Cristina to make the first incision, while she talks them through the steps of a c-section, and then she lets Meredith close.

"Great job both of you," Addison smiles as they scrub out.

"Thanks, Dr. Montgomery," says Cristina.

"Thanks, Addison," says Meredith.

Cristina smirks behind her surgical mask at Meredith using Addison's first name at work, and Addison accepting it.

"Let's celebrate, do you want to get some hot cocoa?" says Addison.

"Juju? Even when it's all good news?" Meredith giggles.

"We've got to have it when things go well too, otherwise we'll just associate it with bad things," says Addison.

"Can't argue with that," says Meredith.

Cristina looks at the googly-eyed expression that Meredith gets around Addison these days, and the way they're leaning so close they're almost touching.

"Do you want to come?" Meredith offers, because of course, she would because Cristina is her very best friend ever.

"That's okay, I'm going to go study for another surgery," says Cristina.

"Aww," says Meredith.

"Do you want a hot chocolate to go?" Addison offers.

"That's okay, thank you, Dr. Montgomery. It was a pleasure," Cristina says crisply, before she leaves Meredith alone with Addison.

Meredith is busy smiling at Addison when Cristina brushes past her, and whispers "lesbians!" in her ear as she walks past, and then walks away too quickly for Meredith to reply.

"Alright, we need to host an intervention," says Cristina, when she and Izzie, and Alex, and George are sitting together on the gurneys in the lower hallway.

"Who's on drugs?" says Alex.

"Not that kind of intervention," says Cristina. "We've got to do something about Meredith," says Cristina.

"What's wrong with Meredith?" says George.

"She's in love, and she hasn't even noticed it yet. And it's all gooey and annoying," says Cristina.

"I thought you didn't like her with Derek?" says Izzie.

"I don't," says Cristina.

"So what then?" says George.

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