Help is Around the Corner 5

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

True to her word, Addison pages the others when dinner is ready.

Instinctively, the interns and the residents, and even Derek come quickly.

"This looks delicious," says Derek.

"Thanks, Addison and Meredith helped make it," says Izzie.

"I only chopped the onions..." says Meredith a bit grumpily.

"And the garlic," Izzie says in a perky tone.

"I obliterated the garlic," Meredith deadpans.

"It was chopped," Addison volunteers. "Here, come eat," she motions everyone to join them at the table.

Izzie sits next to Addison, and it makes Meredith frown. Cristina smirks at Izzie, who looks up and then purposefully ignores looking at her so she doesn't laugh.

Derek is oblivious.

And Alex and Geoge focus on talking to Callie so they don't have to focus on the drama unfolding.

"Maybe I should bring a chair next time," Callie laughs as she walks up to the full table.

"Oh no it's okay it's okay," says Meredith, as she nearly falls over trying to climb onto Addison's lap.

Addison chuckles, and pulls Meredith onto her, and then she pats the chair beside her to let Callie sit.

"Okay then," says Callie, shrugging as she takes her place at the table.

Meredith relaxes as she feels Addison's breath on her neck, and her arms around her waist.

Addison serves a plate for Meredith from the dishes in the middle of the table, and then she serves a plate for herself.

Meredith thanks her, and nuzzles back into her neck before she starts eating.

"It's good!" says Meredith as she takes a bite.

"Glad you like it," Addison smiles.

"It is good, thanks, Addison for helping," says Izzie.

Meredith full-on glares at her sideways, until Izzie adds "oh, you too. Thanks for helping Mer. With the onions and garlic..."

Meredith keeps glaring at her, and Izzie pretends to not know the real reason why Meredith is glaring at her.

Meanwhile, Izzie finally fully understands Cristina's hypothesis, because based on the way that Meredith is acting, she is definitely jealous.

"So, I heard Callie you taught Addison how to make chicken piccata, is that right?" says Izzie.

"Yeah," says Callie. "She's a natural," she says.

"We could make it sometime," says Izzie.

"Sure," says Callie.

"Sure," says Addison.

"Does it require onions?" says Meredith.

"Umm... A few... Why?" says Callie.

"Because my cooking skills stop at onions," says Meredith. "The garlic is still a work in progress," she groans.

"Umm, yeah there are a few onions in the recipe," Callie says suspiciously, as she eyes everyone at the table, and tries to figure out why the vibe is a bit weird.

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