Help is Around the Corner 43

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

"Rr." says Doc disapprovingly.

"I'm hungry-" Addison whines.

"Rr." says Doc.

"They're food Doc, and it's 2am. And why aren't you sleeping?" says Addison.

"Rr." says Doc.

"I'm sorry I blamed you, I panicked okay? And I didn't think they'd actually believe you were eating the chips," says Addison.

"Rr." says Doc.

"No, I wasn't planning on scapegoating you again," says Addison.

"Rr." says Doc.

"Okay maybe I was, but can you hear me out here?" says Addison.

"Rr." says Doc.

"Alright, alright. Maybe we can make a deal then?" Addison offers.

"Rr?" says Doc.

"If you don't sell me out, I'll buy you a steak, and I'll cook it for you," says Addison.

"Rr?" says Doc.

"Yes, a steak," says Addison.

"Rr?" says Doc.

"Yes, all to yourself," says Addison.

"Rr?" says Doc.

"Fine, it can be tenderloin," Addison huffs at Doc. "How do you have such fine tastes anyway?"

"Rr," says Doc.

"You're right, you're right, we eat it all the time, because it's less gristly," says Addison.

"Rr," says Doc.

"Okay, so tomorrow I'll go to the store by myself to pick up your steak. I'll cook it just how you like it. And then we can both have a midnight snack tomorrow evening. Sound fair?" says Addison.

"Rr," says Doc.

"And all I ask is that you don't sell me out for these chips. And if needed, you'll grovel and let them say it was you who ate them. It's foolproof right?" says Addison.

"Rr," says Doc.

"That's my final offer," says Addison.

"Rr..." says Doc.

"You're not to say anything to Meredith about this, or the deal is off, and I'm eating your steak," says Addison.

"Rr!?" says Doc.

"And I won't share it," says Addison.

"Rr!?" says Addison.

"As I said, final offer. So are you in or not?" says Addison impatiently.

"Rr..." says Doc, considering all his options. "Rr!" says Doc.

"Good boy," says Addison. "I'll even give you a dog treat for now. Consider it as a sort of 'signing bonus,' says Addison.

"Rr!" says Doc.

"Shh-" says Addison. "It'll be our little secret..."

So Doc eats his dog treat, before Addison carries him back upstairs because he refuses to walk upstairs after 10pm. And then she brushes her teeth, and crawls into bed carefully without waking Meredith. Doc slides onto his spot between their two pillows, and Addison winks at Doc before she kisses Meredith goodnight on the forehead one more time, and goes to sleep again.

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