Help is Around the Corner 13

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

Addison finishes her shower, and re-enters Meredith's room after knocking while wearing a towel. Her hair is still wet, and her shoulders are exposed, and Meredith looks up from her book (which she turned around), to stare at her once more.

"You're reading it right-side-up now," says Addison.

"Yeah..." says Meredith. "I ah... Got tired of reading it the other way," says Meredith, turning the page for effect.

"Is it a good book?" asks Addison, as she rummages for her clothes.

"Yeah, it's umm. It's good," says Meredith, as she glances at the back of the book to see what it's actually about.

"Cool," says Addison, nodding.

Meredith secretly hopes that Addison will keep going, and take off her towel in front of her, and she holds her breath as Addison picks out her clothes.

Addison doesn't though, she walks away to the bathroom again, and all Meredith catches is her bare legs, and her toned calves, and the purple lace of the panties that Addison is going to put on.

It's still enough to keep Meredith's head spinning, as she waits for Addison to come back.

"How's the book?" says Addison when she re-emerges, finally fully clothed.

"It's good-" says Meredith, flipping through the pages.

"Can I read it with you?" says Addison.

"Sure," says Meredith, patting the bed next to her.

"Sorry I'm making you start over," says Addison, as she leans over and rests her head on Meredith's shoulder.

"It's okay," says Meredith. "I hadn't gotten very far anyway."

The two of them take turns reading paragraphs from the book aloud for the other until George and Callie blow up their pagers telling them it's time for dinner.

Addison sits up from Meredith's shoulder as they head downstairs.

"So, movie night-" says Izzie, as she helps George and Callie hand out the takeout.

"Yes, movie night," says Meredith.

"I was thinking maybe a horror movie," says Callie.

"Oh no, I get scared," says Addison.

"She does," says Derek, and Addison glares at him.

"Wimp," says Alex.

"Hey!" says Addison.

"I want to watch a four hours heart surgery, but someone might veto that," says Cristina.

"I'm fine if it's not my mother," says Meredith.

"Can we watch a light comedy?" says Izzie. "Or a romantic comedy?"

"Dude, no chick flicks," says Alex.

"Fine, a dude flick?" says Izzie.

"Action," says Alex.

"We could watch a spy movie," suggests George.

"How about Spy Kids?" says Derek. "It has action, romance, comedy, it isn't scary..."

"That's your idea of action?" says Alex.

"Well, do you have a better idea!?" says Callie.

"You know, two extra people makes picking movies more difficult," says Cristina.

"Let's just watch Spy Kids," says Meredith.

"Okay," says Addison.

"I like that movie," says Izzie.

"Spy kids it is," says Alex, grunting as he fetches it.

Izzie prepares popcorn with a caramel topping, which she hands out to everyone as they sit around the living room.

Meredith sits in front of Addison on the floor, accidentally (on purpose) so that Addison will play with her hair as they watch the movie. In return, Meredith feeds her bites of popcorn so she doesn't get her hair all sticky.

It's very domestic, and disgustingly cute, and Cristina can't help but smirk at them.

Derek doesn't even seem to mind because he's so enthused in the movie.

"How have I never seen this before? It's a work of art!" he exclaims.

Alex is holding Izzie's hand, and Meredith smiles at that, because it means that Izzie has her paws off her Addison.

Her Addison.


Meredith just thought that in her head, she didn't say it out loud, but she's starting to claim Addison now. She wants to be the one who knows her best, who touches her the most, who she wants to talk to.

Okay so maybe she's a bit obsessed, but people are allowed to have hobbies!

Such as appreciating when Addison pats her hair, that's her hobby. Whatever.

Plus she gets to nap with her, and fall asleep beside her. She's a much better companion than Derek is, she's decided.

Derek hasn't done any of those things for Addison since she's been here.

Really, he should be thanking her.

She's like her fill-in husband. Or wife. Who cares? She's the one doing all the work here.

People should celebrate it.

And her life is pretty good, it's pretty fine, until-

"Darn, that's the hospital, I think I'll have to stay there overnight," Addison sighs.

"Do you need any help?" says Meredith.

"No, that's okay, you sleep. I can't avoid this, I've got to go," says Addison reluctantly.

Meredith hops up and gives her a tight hug before she leaves.

"I'll see you in the morning?" says Addison.

"Okay..." Meredith says weakly.

After Addison is gone, she finds it hard to focus on the movie, and she wanders around for a bit, and gets ready for bed, but she doesn't really feel like it.

She doesn't feel like sleeping alone.

It's weird to her now, and she feels so deprived, and it's torture.

She figures she could maybe masturbate, because she was so horny earlier, so she gets out her vibrator, and she makes herself come to the image in her head of Addison in her tight yoga pants doing stretches, and Addison coming out of the shower.

She doesn't think about what all of this means as she crawls under the covers alone, with pillows all around her, pretending that she's wrapped up in Addison instead.






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