Help is Around the Corner 46

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

"Come snuggle, Addie-" Meredith whines from the bed.

"Rr!" says Doc.

"I'm on my way," says Addison, as she crawls into bed next to them.

"Closer-" says Meredith.

"Rr!" says Doc.

Addison is deliberately snuggling in a way that makes it easier for her to escape later and get herself a midnight snack, but neither of them are having it.

"Addisonnnnn-" Meredith groans, and wraps both arms around the redhead. Doc squishes himself onto her pillow, and Addison sighs.

"Rr!" says Doc.

"What?" Addison groans.

"You're not cuddling right, you're being weird. Do you not want to cuddle me to sleep?" Meredith asks her with puppy-dog eyes.

And then Doc looks at her with actual puppy-dog eyes.

"Of course I want to cuddle you to sleep, my little Tiger," says Addison, as she settles in finally, and wraps her arms around Meredith.

"Thank you," Meredith finally sighs contentedly and nuzzles into Addison's neck.

"Rr..." says Doc, as he closes his eyes.

Addison finds it pretty adorable how Meredith can take charge so much but once it's time for bed, she's a snuggle-bug.

Meredith starts to snore lightly as she falls asleep, and Doc starts to snore too, in dog-snoring. Addison feels calm but also restless.

She still wants her midnight snack. And also some sleep because she's been waking up for the past few days. And she's anxious because she's hiding this nacho-thing.

Addison also knows that the early stages of sleep are the deepest, so if she's going to get some chips, she has to go now.

Addison tries her best to extricate all of her limbs from both Meredith and Doc, as she slides and stretches as she needs to. She's almost out when she hears Doc's breathing become uneven.

"Shh-" says Addison.

"Rr..." Doc growls, unimpressed again.

"Shh-" says Addison. "I'll be back in a minute. Keep her company."

"Rr..." Doc shakes his head at her, but he stays where he is.

"Thank you," says Addison, as she tiptoes down the stairs.

Addison makes her way to the kitchen to try to find the nacho-flavored-nacho-chips, but they're not in their usual place, so she searches high and low for them before she eventually finds them on the top shelf.

Addison gets a stool, and tries to slide them out of their hiding place but then the pots and pans all come crashing down to the floor around her.

"Eek!" Addison gasps.

"Rr!?" Doc grunts from upstairs.

And that's when Meredith comes running, with Doc following closely behind her.

"Addison!?" says Meredith.

"Meredith, I-" Addison says softly.

"What the hell!?" says Meredith.

"I got umm... Hungry?" says Addison sheepishly.

"Rr..." Doc groans theatrically.

"I set those up because I genuinely thought Doc was getting into them, and I wanted to make sure he was alright. But Doc's been in bed the whole time. Have you been stealing the chips!?" says Meredith.

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