Help is Around the Corner 44

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

They have the afternoon off with Doc, and Meredith wants to keep an eye on him still to make sure that Doc is not going to go stealing any more chips.

Addison tries to insist it's not necessary, but she doesn't want Meredith to get suspicious as to why she's entirely unworried, so eventually, she caves, and she joins Meredith in playing video games with Doc.

Somehow Doc manages to paw at the controller, and occasionally he even gets a win when Meredith and Addison both attack each other, or accidentally fall into a void.

It's cozy and domestic, and it makes Meredith feel like she wants a life like this with Addison forever and ever.

"You know, I'm in the mood for some of those chips," says Meredith.

"Hmm?" says Addison.

"I think I'm going to get some," says Meredith, as she pours herself a bowl, and sets it in front of them.

Addison bites her lip and sighs. She wants some of those chips, but she can't bring herself to confess that she likes them, so she just sits there and watches Meredith eat them.

"Rr!" says Doc pointedly at Addison.

"No Doc, you cannot have any," says Meredith, misinterpreting Doc's grumbling.

"Doc," says Addison, "No chips."

"Rrrrrrrrrrr-" Doc grumbles at Addison.

"Do you want to try them?" says Meredith.

"No-" says Addison all too quickly.

"Just asking," says Meredith.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bite your head off there-" says Addison.

"Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr," Doc groans dramatically, as he paws at the controller to suggest that they play another round of video games together.

They do, and Addison loses, with Doc actually coming in second (because Addison fell into the void three times), with Meredith winning, obviously.

"I suck at this game," says Addison.

"Rr," Doc agrees.

"It's okay, you're good at everything else," says Meredith, leaning over to kiss Addison on the cheek.

Addison kisses Meredith on the lips until Doc grunts at them again.

"Do you want to swing on the hammock while we spend some time together?" says Meredith.

"Rr!" says Doc.

"Okay," says Addison, as she picks Doc up, and brings him to the hammock where he starts rocking contentedly.

"Race you to the bedroom," says Meredith.

"You're on," says Addison, as she rushes to catch up with the blonde.

The two make out happily for a while, and Doc enjoys his time in the sun.

Doc is rocking back and forth when a cat appears in his peripheral vision.

"Rr," says Doc territorially.

"Mow," says the cat lazily, as she hops up onto the hammock.

"Rr!" says Doc.

"Mow," the cat shrugs, as it curls up next to Doc, and closes her eyes.

"Rr!" says Doc, as he paws at the cat unti she answers him.

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