Help is Around the Corner 48

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

Once Meredith and Addison arrive at work, just in the nick of time, Meredith scurries off to rounds with Bailey, while Addison makes her way to the NICU.

"Good morning Addison," says Bailey politely.

"Morning Miranda!" says Addison, enthusiastically.

"Well you seem awfully excited this morning," says Bailey.

"I am!" says Addison, hardly able to contain herself from squealing.

"Did you get a promotion?" asks Bailey.

"No-" says Addison.

"Did you win the lottery?" asks Bailey.

"No-" says Addison.

"Then why on earth are you talking in such a high pitch at eight o'clock in the morning-" Bailey deadpans.

"Well, because this morning, Meredith and I, we-" Addison whisper-shouts, until Bailey quickly moves her hand over her own lips, and makes a "shh-" motion.

"Oh no. We are not talking about this!" says Bailey.

"Well you asked!" says Addison.

"I asked if you suddenly were about to make millions of dollars, or if you'd suddenly acquired millions of dollars. I did not ask about your personal life. Did I look like I was asking about your personal life!? Huh!?" asks Dr. Bailey.

"No- but I mean, we're friends right, Miranda?" asks Addison.

"We are, but I still don't ask for those kinds of details from even my closest friends," says Bailey. "I do not discuss that kind of matter with anyone but me and my partner, so if you'd be so kind as to gracefully change the subject before I do so abruptly-" says Bailey, as she gestures to Addison with her eyebrows raised.

"What did you have for breakfast this morning-" Addison blurts out the first general question that comes into her brain.

"Breakfast this morning was a sandwich on an english muffin, with egg, cheese, and double bacon, thank you for asking," says Bailey curtly.

"You're welcome," Addison smiles at her sheepishly.

"Now, you go off and do your job and I'll go off and do 'my job, and we can pretend that this conversation never happened," offers Bailey.

Addison nods at her.

"Alright then, well, goodbye for now," says Bailey, as she turns around the corner.

"Goodbye," says Addison, as she turns around the other corner.

Even after her semi-awkward interaction with Miranda, Addison is still in an excellent mood, and she prepares to welcome Izzie Stevens onto her service for the rest of the morning.

"You're with Addison?" Meredith asks Izzie with slight jealousy.

"Yep," says Izzie, smiling.

"And you seem really excited about that-" Meredith says to her, more than obviously displaying her jealousy.

"Yeah," Izzie shrugs, and smiles. "Addison said that I was really great at her specialty, and she wants to mentor me. I mean, you're great in general, and neuro. And Cristina's great at Cardio. And George is Bailey's favorite. And Alex is well, he's still finding his groove, but Addison's great with him also..." Izzie trails off as she sees Meredith's scathing expression.

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