Help is Around the Corner 12

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

Burke's patient is quite emergent, and Addison and Meredith are happy to arrive minutes after Burke has summoned them.

Izzie and Cristina are already there scrubbed in, and Cristina is delighted to at least be in the presence of cardio.

While Izzie re-focuses herself on pretending to be attracted to Addison, Cristina re-focuses herself on pretending to not be attracted to Burke as they take their places in the operating room.

Derek summons Meredith to assist him, and Meredith does, while Addison sits and monitors the fetal monitor.

The surgery is going quite smoothly, aided by everyone's assistance.

"So, I was thinking of having a date night," says Preston Burke.

"Oh?" says Cristina.

"Is there a night where you are not occupied by Meredith's house's organized activities?" says Burke.

"Hmm, well, Monday I'm working, but how about Tuesday?" says Cristina.

"That works," says Meredith. "It's not games night, it's not movie night, and it's not cleanup night," she offers.

"Hmm, I'm working," Derek frowns.

"Another time," Addison shrugs.

Meredith's eyes shoot up at them, and Meredith remembers at that moment that Addison is married again. So of course they're going to plan dates. And of course they would want to spend time together.

Why does it make her feel so weird?

Cristina nudges Izzie, and makes a gesture with her eyes, but Izzie whispers to her "I have a date with Alex!" loud enough that everybody hears.

Cristina rolls her eyes at Izzie, and Izzie shrugs at her.

"Well, George will probably be out with Callie..." says Addison. "I think I heard Callie talk about it."

"Guess we'll ah, have the house to ourselves..." says Meredith shyly.

"I guess we will," Addison smiles. "Or we could go out?" Addison asks her. "If everyone is, then why not?"

"Sure!" Meredith says excitedly.

"Watch the brain!" says Derek.

"Sorry!" says Meredith. "But I didn't move, I promise!"

"So you're going to date my wife?" says Derek.

"It's just an evening," says Addison. "We're friends, right, Meredith?" says Addison.

"Right... Friends..." Meredith smiles a bit sadly.

"What do you want to do?" says Addison.

"Well, we might actually want to stay near the house, for Doc," says Meredith.

"Or we could take him out," says Addison.

"True," says Meredith.

"How about taking him for a walk in the park," says Addison.

"Yeah, that sounds really great," says Meredith.

"You could walk him on my land if you want," offers Derek.

"There's poison oak there..." says Addison.

"Oh right..." says Derek.

"How are you people doing in here?" says the Chief, as he pops into the room.

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