Help is Around the Corner 15

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

The next time she sees Addison, Addison seems to be inhaling a giant mug of coffee.

"Hi, are you okay?" says Meredith, as she sees the giant-sized latte.

"Yeah, just tired. I was here all night, and just had a few rest times between surgeries," says Addison. "Want a bit? I got an extra-large, and I didn't realize it would be this... Large," says Addison.

"Thanks-" says Meredith, as she takes Addison's mug and they share it for a while.

It tastes good, and Meredith likes that it's Addison's.

"There's a touch of cocoa in it," says Addison.

"It's great," Meredith smiles.

"I think I might need a nap later," Addison yawns.

"Ooh, me too," says Meredith.

"You can come with if you're free," Addison smiles.

"Yes please," Meredith says eagerly. "Doc missed you last night," says Meredith. "He ah, couldn't sleep well, without you too..." says Meredith, because she's too chicken to say that she missed her.

"Ah yes, I missed Doc too," says Addison. "I missed you too," says Addison, and Meredith glows.

They stare at each other, just smiling until Miranda Bailey comes by, and interrupts their 'moment'.'

"Are you two going to be surgeons or are you just going to stand there like two fools out of a soapy-ass Sondaland plotline!?" says Bailey.

"What!? Ah, sorry Bailey," Meredith says sheepishly.

"Bye Miranda," says Addison. "You can keep the coffee-" Addison calls out to Meredith.

"Thank you!" says Meredith as she scurries away.

"Addison, you're married, remember?" Bailey says sternly.

"What? Meredith and I are just friends," says Addison.

"You two seem awfully close these days for 'just friends,' that's all I'm saying," says Bailey.

"We've been staying at Meredith's place since the trailer burned down," Addison sighs.

"We, as in you and Derek?" says Bailey.

"Yes, Derek and I. And it's been fun, and I appreciate that Meredith's taken us in," says Addison.

"Alright then, if you're just roommates then that's fine. But if there's anything beyond that going on here, then you've got to do the right thing and make a clear decision. Derek ripped that girl in two when you showed up, and you're better than that," says Bailey.

"Noted," says Addison.

"You're my friend, Addison, but she is my resident, and the last thing I need is for my resident-"

"I won't get her caught up in anything bad or illegal," says Addison.

"You don't get her caught up in you, if you're not willing to commit to her, understand?" says Bailey.

"Yes, Bailey," says Addison.

"Alright then," says Bailey, regaining her normal posture. "Now, would you like to see something exciting?"

Addison nods, and Bailey leads her away to another room with a very cool case.

Meanwhile, Addison thinks about what Bailey just said to her-

She's been nice to Meredith ever since she's been at her house. She's been gracious, she's helped out around the kitchen, she helps clean, she even tried to teach Meredith cooking, and that's no easy task.

So why is Bailey roughing her up like this?

Sure, her and Grey are close, but how could they not be when they've been sharing a room (much less a bed) for the past month?

So they bond over dogs, and coffee, and they like to be close to each other.

They're friends, she had put away all her reservations about Derek with Meredith, and the blonde had agreed to be friends with her.

Problem solved, right? And Derek has been so good about it.

Sure okay, some of the gestures they've shared have been... Rather cozy, such as when Meredith would feed her popcorn, or when they'd share food. But if they were napping next to each other they'd be sharing germs anyway right?

And yes Meredith had seen more of her body yesterday than Derek had in the past... Eternity, but she wasn't about to do yoga in the middle of the living room in front of everyone, and it was her room too, and Meredith was reading... Her book... Upside down...

And sure, she felt a thrill whenever the blonde was around, and she loved petting Doc together, and taking him for walks, and she can't wait for their non-date night together...

But it's all very very platonic.

No ill-intended.

She'd been an adulterer once, she didn't plan on doing that again!

But maybe she'd been giving Meredith the wrong idea. Had she been leading her on? She cares about Meredith so much she doesn't want to hurt her, so if she has to pull back a bit and treat her like her other roommates, she will, albeit reluctantly.

Addison sighs, and decides to take her nap after this case.

She desperately wants to page Meredith to have her nap with her, because she's discovered from a night alone in the on-call rooms she doesn't sleep half as well without the blonde clinging to her chest... But she decides to heed Bailey's warnings, and try to nap alone again.

It's cold and lonely in the bed, and Addison hates it.







Author's note:

Oops, let the (probably minor) angst begin!

Ps. For those of you who had been wondering if Addison had been doing all of those things on purpose... Here's your answer; consciously- no. Subconsciously -!?

Have a great one!


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