Help is Around the Corner 33

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

After Meredith's very impressive show and tell, the game goes pretty quickly.

Addison confesses to having seen absolutely every Star Wars movie ever made, claiming that it was because of her high school prom date, which George keenly pointed out didn't make sense because some of those movies came out long after Addison had finished high school.

"So I'm a nerd, get over it-" Addison says exasperatedly.

"I think it's sweet," Meredith giggles.

Derek sighs loudly, and Addison teases him because he also likes Star Wars, and refuses to ever admit it.

"Addison can quote the fourth movie!" says Derek.

"It's the first movie," says Addison.

"Whatever, she practically knows it by heart," says Derek.

"I'm proud of that-" says Addison, with a hair flick.

Meredith just thinks it's adorable.

The next time the turns come around to her, Meredith picks truth, and Derek asks her pointedly if she's ever dated a woman before.

Addison simply looks intrigued, and Meredith shrugs as she answers.

"Mostly," says Meredith. "Or, I thought I was, but she didn't think we were exclusive, so we had this very sad breakup in Amsterdam after backpacking for months together, and I was so upset about it, and..." Meredith rambles, and Addison pats her back supportively.

"So you've been with a woman before!?" says Derek.

"Yes," says Meredith.

"And you never told me!?" says Derek.

"I didn't ask you every person you've been with before, Derek," says Meredith.

"Was it good?" says Callie shyly.

"It was very good," Meredith giggles. "She was blonde, and wild, and totally reckless, but it was very fun at the time," says Meredith.

"Are you... Over her...?" Addison asks a bit tensely.

"I am," says Meredith, looking right into Addison's eyes as she says this. "I am."

"Well alrighty," says Mark. "Nice!"

"I totally saw this coming," says Alex.

"Hey, I came up with 'lesbians,' not you," says Cristina.

"Wait, did you ever have a thing for me? If you like blondes?" says Izzie.

"No, sorry," Meredith giggles. "Not that you're not hot and all, it just didn't happen," says Meredith.

"And she doesn't only like blondes," says Cristina with a big smile on her face.

"True," says Meredith, giggling again.

"What's your type?" says Burke, curiously.

"Hey, you don't get two questions," says Meredith, avoiding answering that.

"It was a follow-up," says George.

"It's two questions, and I already answered mine," says Meredith.

"Leave her alone," says Callie. "She did already answer."

"Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOO doctors, who's next!" says Cristina.

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