Help is Around the Corner 45

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

After the tacos, Meredith helps Callie with the dishes as Addison catches up with the rest of the crew.

This time they're playing a game of Headbands, where they have prompts on their foreheads that they can't see, and the rest of the group has to make them guess what it is.

Burke, Derek, Alex, Izzie, Mark, Cristina, and George all gather around the living room to play it.

Instead of teams, they're each counting up how many they can guess and competing that way.

So far Cristina is in the lead, followed by Burke.

Doc is sitting right in the middle of the action, and waving his tail every time someone cheers.

He's happily engaged with the crowd until a familiar figure appears in the window.

It's the neighbor's cat.

"Rr?" says Doc curiously at the cat.

"Mow," says the cat, as she hops onto the hammock, and starts rocking in it.

"Rr!?" says Doc.

"Mow," the cat shrugs, before waving her tail at him to come join her.

"Rr-" says Doc, as he gestures his tail to the window.

"Oh! Your friend's here. Do you want to go join her?" says George.

"Rr-" Doc.

"Alright, you just knock when you want to come back," says George, as he opens the door so Doc can go hang out on the hammock.

Doc jumps onto the hammock, and the cat curls in next to him, and Doc settles down next to the cat and starts rocking the hammock again.

"Where's Doc?" says Meredith, once she and Callie and Addison are finished with the dishes.

George gestures to the window, where they can see Doc and the cat happily in the hammock.

"Awe, he has a friend!" says Meredith.

"It's excellent for him. He has all these human friends but it's nice for him to have a playmate his size," says Addison.

"Well, almost his size," says Meredith. "He's a little bigger than the cat."

"The cat is more agile though," says Addison.

"True," says Meredith.

"I'm glad they're not squabbling," says Addison.

"Yeah," says Meredith.

"So I was thinking of taking you on another date tomorrow, what do you say?" says Addison.

"Ooh-" says Meredith.

"Maybe we could go to the new amusement park in town?" suggests Addison.

"That sounds thrilling," says Meredith.

"Oh one thing though, I'm afraid of roller coasters," says Addison.

"We'll fix that," says Meredith.

"Oh no!" says Addison. "I meant we could go on some of the other rides."

"We'll see..." says Meredith. "Now... How about I 'take you for a ride,' right about now..." says Meredith.

"You are insatiable," says Addison.

"You like it," says Meredith.

"Yeah, I do," says Addison.

Help is Around the CornerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora