Chapter 30

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I made the decision that I'm just going to ignore the moving room thing for now. Especially after my little panic attack in the shower yesterday. Today is Saturday and I'm going to use this day to spend time with my friends. Of course I will see them too when I move but it's just not the same.

"Hey ho freunde der Sonne.", I come into room where we are supposed to meet.

"Means?", Mike asks a confused look on his face while laying stretched out on a couch.

"Means I'm cool and you're not.", I lie.

"How about a round of billiards?", Gabriel ask before Mike is able to answer.

"Sure.",I agree and the others do as well. Everyone expect of Gracie and Justin is here. Gracie doesn't have time at the moment and Justin might come later. He has to learn because he's behind in all his classes I quote. Like he would need to. He's damn intellegent.

I'm sooo bad at billiards but I think this game were are playing is one of the best moments of my life no shit. We're just having fun playing. Mike makes disgusting jokes. Emilia is Emilia. Mason is rather quiet mostly chilling on a couch laughing at us. Marlon and Gabriel are kinda fighting over chips. I don't know why and after Justin arrived we decided to just sit down a little and talk.

In the past I always felt like a bad person for not spending enough time on caring for my friends. I don't know if it makes sense but I've always been too focused on myself and my own problems. That's why I'm struggling to give the people I like the attention they should get.

"Anything new with you and Noah?", Emilia suddenly asks me and I roll my eyes at her. Why do we have to talk about this now?

"Nope.", I answer popping the p.

"Do you think he's going to prank you back?"

"Gosh I totally forgot I pranked him... Where is my head?", I start laughing. I really forget that that happened. But I guess after everything that happened especially the kiss thing he has forgotten about it as well.

"What is actually your punishment for fighting with Lucy?", Masons questions making me realize that I haven't told them anything about my talk with the principle. But I'm a little surprised that Mason is the one asking. I mean normally he barely talks and if he does it's mostly with Marlon or Justin.

"Well Principal Gothan went all out with it this time. No skipping meals and classes anymore. I'll also have to work in the cafeteria a few times a week.", I tell them leaving out a small detail.

"That's all? Lucky girl.", Gabriel says laughing a bit.

"Well um... I kinda have to move rooms...", I mumble so quiet that I'm unsure they even heard me. But when I hear Emilias loud voice yell at me a few seconds later I know they heard it.

"Why haven't you told us? Omg Olivia I hate you! Why would you wait with telling me that??", Em yells at me. I knew she wouldn't take this information easy but I didn't expect her to be this mad. Ups...

"Em I'm really sorry okay? I didn't want to think or talk about it so much. Let's just enjoy today.", I whine leaning back on the couch I'm sitting on.

"Still you're my roomie I have to know.", Em seems still mad but at least she isn't screaming anymore.

"Okay Emilia I can understand where you are coming from but also try to understand Oli.", Marlon then speaks up.

"I do I do...", she groans.

"God princi really is an asshole.", Gabriel adds. He's definitely not wrong.

"I know... but I mean we're still going to see each other as much as possible right?", I look at my friends sitting around me my voice a bit shaking. God why am I making such a big deal out of this?

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