Chapter 36

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I try to listen to what Mason is telling me but my mind keeps wandering around. Mason tries to explain me my maths homework but I feel
like this is a lost case. It's actually been a few days since I got together with Noah and I am indeed happy about it but I'm back to overthinking again. And not just about Noahs feelings for me but also about my mental health at the moment. I feel like I'm just distracting myself from my issues that I still have and acting like a boyfriend and weed would solve them is silly. And I don't want Noah to realize that I'm fucked up. He probably already knows to an extent.

"If you don't start concentrating we should postpone this. This won't do anything.", Mason complains and I nod feeling guilty. I'm waisting his free time right now.

"yeah sorry we should meet up sometime else I don't thing I can solve any math questions today."

"Alright do you want to talk about it or...", he tells me seeming pretty unsure. From all the people in my friend group he's the person I talk the least about stuff like this and vice versa. But I mean he is trying.

I only shake my head giving him a reassuring smile as I start to pack up my school work. I need to get my shit together. And the faster I do so the faster I can start to live my life like I should be at the moment.

As I make my way down the hallway I still get many stares like I did when I first arrived here. I don't know why but the people here seem to need constant gossip. Gracie told me that there are a lot of rumors about me especially about the reason I am at this school but that doesn't matter that much, does it? I think the main person making all these stories up and telling them everybody is Lucy. She doesn't like me and I don't like her and even though I haven't even talked with her again after the fight she seems to get more and more angry about my existence.

"Hey beauty..", I spot Noah leaning agains the wall a big smirk plastered on his face.

"Hey asshole...", I say back in a flirty voice.

Instead of answering Noah pulls me in for a kiss his hands on my waist as I put my hands behind his neck to pull him closer.

"How about I take you out for a date after school?", he asks as we slowly pull away from each other.

I want to scream out that I'd love to go on another date with him but instead I try to keep calm and just mumble an of course as the bell announces the next class.

"Awesome... wear something comfortable. I'll pick u up at 5 livi.", he places a light kiss on my mouth before walking away. I just stand there amazed not realizing I should be on my way also.

"You don't believe he'll actually stay with you, do you?"

I turn around to see Lucy standing next to me a smug smile on her face.

"What are you trying to say?", I trow back my happy mood already gone.

"Oh I mean why would such a handsome guy like Noah be with someone like you... I mean I'm just trying to help you girlie I don't want you to get hurt.", If I could I would punch her in her face again, but the consequences were to annoying last time.

"Fuck off ugly whore.", I just tell her and start walking towards class. Just don't let her get to you Olivia. I can do this.

The rest of the day passes by rather quickly as I am in class or eat with my friends at lunchtime. When the bell announces the end of my school day I return to my dorm and change into matching sweatpants and a hoodie. I mean Noah said I should wear something comfortable and there isn't anything more comfy. The clock tells me that it will be 5 pretty soon so I make my way downstairs. I decide to wait inside as it has become colder the last few days.

The foyer is pretty empty and as the door opens it's actually Noah walking trough the door. It's unbelievable how a guy can be this handsome without trying to be. His hair is styled back and he's wearing blue baggy jeans and a black hoodie with it.

I walk in his direction but before I can reach out to him and give him a kiss I'm scobed up and he spins me around before setting me down and placing a passionate kiss on my lips. Gosh I love this relasionship thing.

"Ready to go princess?", he whispers in my ear placing more kisses on my neck.

"Always with you.", I whisper back with a big smile on my face as he pulls me out of the door. His hand stays on my waist as he leads me to the park area.

"Do you want to tell me what we're doing now or not?"

"You're to impatient Livi. Don't you want to be suprised?", he has a incredibly charming smile on his lips as we walk further down the way. I shake my head at him my mood only getting better every second I spend with Noah.

He takes my hand and leads us away from the path up a small hill. I've never seen this hill before or this general area of the school grounds but I admit that I haven't spend enough time outside the last few weeks.

As we reach the top of the hill I spot a blanked with a basket standing on top of it.

"Noah did you bring this stuff?", I ask him not believing this situation I'm in. How did I deserve this after the way I've been the last few months or even years.

"No the tooth fairy decided to bring this stuff here. Of course it was me livi and now sit down with me beautiful.", he pulls me down to sit on the blanket. I snuggle closer to him inhaling his awesome sent.

Noah pulls the basket towards us and I'm shooked to see all of my favorite snacks. Reeses in every edition there is, monster energy and even fresh strawberries. On the one side I'm extremely happy but on the other I'm scared to be forced to eat too much.

"Do you like it?", Noah asks seeming nervous. Something I haven't seen on Noah a lot.

"Of course I do Noah but how did you know that all these things are my favorite?"

"I have to admit that I asked your friends for some information."

"Your really something else.", I giggle as I climb on his lap putting my lips on his. I have had relationships before but nothing ever felt as serious and magical as this before. Noah laughs at my actions taking out a strawberry and feeding it to me. I mean there can't be anything more cliche than this but somehow I like it.

I spend the next hour or so just enjoying my time with Noah and I feel anything other than forced to be someone I'm not. This is perfect...

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