Chapter 7

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I wake up feeling something wet on my face. I get up really fast trying to understand what's going on.
That's when I see Mike standing in front of my bed with a cup in his hand. An empty cup because the water is all over me.

"What. The. Fuck?!"

"We have breakfast.", he grins. Asshole.

I let myself fall back on my bed. Realizing I'm not in my bed. I'm still in Mikes bed where I must have fallen asleep last night.

"Fuck.", I get up again. I try to find a clock to know the time. 7:05am. Means we're already late for breakfast and I won't have time to get ready.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier??", I shout at him jumping out of the bed.

Marlon must also just have woke up because he is pulling a T-shirt over his bare chest while still wearing sleeping pants.

"I just got up by myself. We had a long night after you fell asleep.", Mike is still grinning.

I still have my clothes from yesterday on and I must smell like it too. But I know not attending breakfast would get me in trouble so I can't change. The only thing I do is try to dry my hair and face.

"Let's go.", Marlon yawns. We go out of the room and I see people giving me weird looks. I swear it's not how it's seems. Perfect now there is even more for everyone to talk about.

In the breakfast room we walk to the same table we sat on yesterday. I get weird looks from the boys as I let myself fall down on my seat. I hope I'm at least not smelling like weed getting caught is the last thing I need know.

"You didn't come back to the dorm Olivia... Where have you been?", thanks Emilia now everyone knows where I spend my night. She looks at like she assumes I did nasty things with one of the boys or both you never know.

"I... um fell asleep."

"Ya sure bout that?", Mason winks at me.
"Yes.", I say the same time Mike says no.
"Asshole!", I punch his shoulder.

"I can prove her story.", Marlon helps me making all of us laugh. While him and Mike get up to get food I bury my head in my hands feeling really tired.
"Had fun?", Em looks at me.

"What about you?", I roll my eyes at her. I don't know what stuff she did with her girlfriend.

Now she rolls her eyes at me ignoring my question.
The conversation they had before we came keeps on and I look around the room. A little to our left I recognize Austin from yesterday. He is sitting with a couple of other guys. I can't see "the boy". Maybe I could ask Em about him. I don't even know his name.

Mike and Marlon come back with their plates full of food and sit on both sides of me. "I told him to sleep on the floor...", Marlon whispers into my ear and I shiver feeling his breath in my neck.

"What do you mean?", I definitely get too less sleep.
"Mike slept on the floor because you were in the bed.", he's still leaning into me.

"Oh thanks I think.", I smile at him.

"Aren't you hungry?", he's not whispering into my ear anymore but is still talking really quiet with a confused look on his face.
Why can't he leave it?

"I can't eat in the morning.", I shrug my shoulders and turn myself a little bit away from him like I want to listen to the conversation the others have.

He understands that I'm finished with this conversation and starts to eat his food.

Like yesterday I don't talk a lot and wait until I'm allowed to get up. Because the short time I have left until classes start I run upstairs. Okay not really run. I used the elevator. But I ran there and from it to our room.

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