Chapter 31

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Today is the day... Just joking lol

Noah and I decided to go on a date but only on Friday. Which is a realllllly long time. I know I told myself so many times that I hate Noah and will ignore him from now on and never actually acted this way. I have to admit that I kinda got attatched to Noah already. Oh lord what is wrong with me.

Today is Tuesday and life couldn't be better. Joking again hihi I moved to my new dorm on Sunday and because the principal must really hate me I'm alone in my room. Everyone sometimes needs time alone but I hate being alone for a longer time. It gives me more options to think about negativ stuff which makes it much harder.

I see my friends sometimes in school and obviously in lunchtime but besides that I'm mostly alone. Especially at Breakfast and Dinner because the only Person I know is Lucy and she wouldn't sit with me that's for sure. I also didn't see Noah because it's much harder to meet up with the boys at night.

Life is hard sometimes isn't it?

In the first lesson we had an exam and after a few more hours of torture it's finally lunch time. The food here is still shitty in my eyes but I found my safe food which I just eat every lunch. I greet Em and Gracie in front of the cafeteria and we choose a table as far away from the main part of the cafeteria as possible after getting our food.

We talk about random shit like boyfriends and girlfriends but I keep quiet about my date situation. That's going to be my secret for now. But it definitely is interesting to hear about Gracies "little" crush on Marlon. I have to help these two somehow. They just fit perfectly.

"Eating leaves again Sommers?", with that Noah suddenly sits down besides me eyeing my salat.

"Um Noah only because you don't know what health food is doesn't mean that I'm eating leaves or that it isn't real food.", I state taking a huge bite of my salad getting salad sauce on my face. Oh god this is so fucking embarrassing. I wipe it away with a napkin and act like it never happened. Just look cool...

"Princess I do know healthy food but different than you I also eat food other than salad and vegetables... But that isn't important... now at least. Let's talk about you hiding from me.", he's turned towards me his gaze leading my eyes to him again and again. I can't but admire his sexy look today. Hair a bit messy a lose black hoodie and black trousers. Not special but extremely hot on him.

I try to snap myself out of the whole simping for Noah thing. I realize he doesn't know that I changed houses or more had to change.

"We're just gonna leave you two for a minute.", Em says getting up dragging Gracie away with her. Just amazing...

"Livi?", Noah snaps me out of my thoughts again.

"Um yes... sorry I'm not hiding from you. I'm really not and stop calling me Livi!", I don't wanna tell him I moved I don't even know. The name Livi is a bit to personal for me even though I like it at the same time. Don't question it I don't even understand it myself.

"You're not? You don't attend breakfast and Dinner. The last time I saw you was Saturday and your friends wouldn't tell me what's up with you. So will you tell me, Livi?", he emphasizes the word livi making me a bit mad and happy at the same time. As well as his cute smile that makes me feel like a young girl falling in love.

"You remember the whole Lucy thingy?"

"Lucy thingy? God damnit.", Noah groans leaning his arm on the table.

"Well yes this thingy and because of it the Principal made me... move houses.", I finally tell him. I mean it's not a big deal, is it? Noah first doesn't say anything his eyebrows are furrowed and I can't tell what he's thinking about.

"I'm done with this..."

I don't know what he wants to say me with this but before I can ask him he jumps up hurrying out of the cafeteria. What the actual fuck just happened? I think about going after him but I don't know if he would like that.


I spend my afternoon reading in the school's park. Well not only reading I also smoked a joint earlier but reading sounds better in my ears. I'm reading a romance book that I borrowed from Gracie but it's not really my thing. The storyline is a bit too cliché for me.

It's really cold out here but I don't want to spend any more time in my room all alone. I'm wearing my biggest hoodie and a jacket the hood pulled over my head. I don't think anyone would have recognized me so I'm not surprised to see William pass by without noticing me.

"Williammmm!", I shout in his directions which makes him flinch. Ups...

"Olivia? You really scared me...", he has turned in my direction now recognizing me.

"Sorry William but you wouldn't have seen me otherwise.", I state making more space on the bench I'm sitting on so he can sit down as well. He makes his way towards me sitting down beside me.

"You are right.", he sighs leaning back on the bench. He isn't making a good impression to me. What is wrong? I'm not sure if I should ask him or not. I mean we're not the closest and we also haven't talked for a bit. A week or something I don't know.

"Haven't seen you in a while what have you been up?", I ask instead hoping he's going to tell me what's wrong with him. A cold wind fegt blows over us and I shiver. God damn it... Why can't it be a bit warmer.

"Nothing much... And what about you? I heard about you and Lucy..."

I can clearly see he isn't in the mood to tell me anything. And what am I supposed to say about the fight I got into? I hoped it wouldn't come up again. Everyone makes mistakes and I can't even explain it so anyone would understand.

"Yup...  how about we talk about something else.", I try to change the topic.

"I understand... So you and Noah?", he says a grimaced smile on his face. What is wrong?

"Well we aren't a thing if that's what you're trying to say...", the atmosphere is pretty tense and I don't know what has gotten Williams mood like that.

"If you say that... I have to go now... I have to... um do something...", he gets up and walks away without waiting for an answer or even looking back.

What the actual fuck?! Why did this kind of thing happened to me twice today. Is it something I do or say? I really can't understand it. Noah acts weird all the time but William is always the nice polite guy that you wouldn't expect to act like that. I sigh and also get up. Being outside isn't much better than being in my lonely dorm...

Author's note:

Not the best thing I've ever written lmao hope you still enjoyed reading... :)

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