Chapter 35

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I'm back bitches yay :))

"Okay lets get this clear. You did what with Noah???"  Em starts screaming while I try to quiet her down as we are still in the cafeteria.

"My god Emilia would you please be quiet I've already told you what happened I'm not going to repeat it."

"I just can't believe it. You guys are so stubborn I would never thought you two could overcome that."

Em looks at me beaming with joy as I'm not sure what to think. Our date was wonderful but what does that mean now? Are we going to get together some day? I remember how often I got my hopes up again and they were destroyed.

"I can see you overthinking again Oli stop it! Get your ass up and go talk to your boy.", she tries to push me to get up.

"Okay okay chill I'll talk with him...", I groan as I get up making my way to the table were I spot Noahs friends. Emilia is right I should go talk to Noah I have nothing to lose. I also think Emilia wouldn't have stopped annoying me if I stayed at our table.

"Guys do you know where Noah is?", I ask the boys that already give me weird looks. But again what do I have to lose. Well my pride, my reputation... I stop my overthinking and try to focus again.

Before any of them boys even get the chance to answer me muscular arms wrap around my waist and I feel Noah pull me into him. 

"Right here...", I get goosebumps as he whispers in my ear. His voice is deep and makes me blush violently.

"Disgusting.", I hear Austin say but right now my focus is on Noahs body pressed against mine.

"Shut up asshole.", Noah trows at him as he turns me around to face him. I try to say something but am silenced by Noahs lips meeting mine. I feel sparks exploding every where in my body and pull him closer by his neck. I could stay like this forever but sadly Noah pulls away.

Wow that was wow...

Now we have everyones attention again. How wonderful I think noticing all of the students around us staring. As I try to calm my breathing I take a moment to admire Noahs look of today. He wears a black leather jacket with a white shirt under neath. His shirt is tight fitting showing of his muscles. I pull myself out of my thoughts remembering why I'm here.

"Can we talk?", I say quietly hoping only Noah will hear me. He nods slowly pulling me with him out of the cafeteria. I can't read his expression as I follow him through the school.

As we reach a more quiet hallway Noah stops and turns towards me a small smile on his face. Small dimples showing on his cheeks. How can someone be this beautiful?

"What are we?", I blurt out without thinking more about how I want this conversation to go.

Noah smirks "Whatever you want us to be babe."

Oh lord I hate this guy. I only look at him a serious look on my face. If he's not going to take this seriously I'm out. My expression makes him drop his smirk and he takes my hands pulling me closer.


"What Noah?"

I wish this thing between us could be easy just for once. Just two people that like each other spending time together without struggling to admit their feelings...

"Don't you know what you mean to me? Don't you have an idea what I want us to be? I just need you to tell me you feel the same livi.", his expression is now serious maybe even a bit sad. But what he is saying doesn't make sense to me when did he ever really tell me how he feels?

"How would I know? Noah we never talked about it. Am I supposed to read your thoughts?", I pull my hands out of his and bring a bit more space between us. I really need to breath.

"I- Well you might be right I just always thought you would be able to know without actually having to talk about it.", he's avoiding looking straight at me nervously rubbing his neck.

I think about what to say but decide against trying to word my feelings and pull him close by his leather jacket. I lean closer our lips brushing against each other. "I really like you livi...", I hear him whisper before our lips finally meet and I feel like everything comes into place.

As I finally pull away after what felt like hours taking in air again Noah keeps me close a big smile on his lips.

"Olivia Sommer do you want to be my girlfriend?"

As I hear what he says my breathing stops for a second. Noah surprises me over and over again. I feel like I should think about this more but I already know what I want.

I only nod a big smile spreading on my face while Noah pulls me into a hug. This feels right. Being Noahs girlfriend feels right...

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