Chapter 19

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The first thing I realize as I wake up is how bad my head hurts. That about knowing your limits. I knew shit or maybe I just didn't care yesterday.

The second thing I realize is that I don't remember coming home. If I'm honest the last thing I remember is coming to the beach and well I clearly remember deciding to end everything. I even remember getting water in my lungs but after that I don't remember anything.

Panicking I get up tearing my eyes open.  Definitely a bad idea because my head feels like it's gonna explode. Everything is just so bright.
I'm in a bedroom I don't know it's definitely not one from our school. The walls are painted gray and the bed I'm in is also grey. Despite the bed the room has no furniture but three doors.

Letting myself fall back onto the bed someone quietly nocks.


As the door opens I see Noah with a water in his hand.

"Your finally awake...", he seems relieved. "... I brought you water and aspirin.", he lifts the glass in his hand and I give him a thankful smile.

"Where am I?"

"Um... a friends apartment. You... well you were a little drunk last night. Do you remember anything?", he sits down on the bed giving me the water to swallow the pill. What a throwback oh fuckk

Yes I remember some things but I can't tell him about what really happend.

"Only coming to the beach and falling or something like that.", I lie therefore.

"You were really drunk... You can call me your hero now that I saved your ass.", he chuggles.

"Definitely not...", I swallow the pill while trying to ignore the flashbacks. "... What time is it?"

He sighs biting his lip. Which is really fucking attractive if you want to know...

"It's 11am but someone excused us for breakfast you know because I didn't know how to get you back into your room."

I hide my face in my hands sighing. "I'm so sorry I don't know what I was thinking."

"It's alright... but next time try staying away from water when drunk.", he laughs.


When we arrived in school it is already 12:30am and the others are probably having lunch because Em isn't in our room.

I let myself fall onto my bed groaning because I'm so exhausted. I feel tired and my head is still hurting even though the pill Noah gave me already helped a lot.

About Noah I'm really thankful he took care of me tonight. He saved my life even though he thinks I fell because I was drunk but he'll never find out the real reason. I'm still really confused about what is going on between us but I own him something after yesterday night. I just hope tonight won't be that bad.

The girls and I originally planned on getting ready together after lunch but I think I will just skip doing Makeup or an extravagant hairstyle. The only thing I should really do is take a shower because I probably smell really bad.

The hallways are really empty like the showers so I take a long relaxing shower. After brushing my teeth I make my way back to our room as I see Mike and Gabriel in the Hallway. Actually they see me and come in my direction.

"You know your limits right?", Mike asks laughing at me.

"Fuck off."

"Nice to see you too Darling by the way cool outfit.", I look down realizing I'm only wearing my pink bathing robe with new underwear under it.

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