Chapter 15

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"Yes. We are moving to Pakistan, after your results, to live there forever." He calmly 'informed' me.

"Wait- WHAT!" I shouted again.

"We. Are. Moving. To. Pakistan. And. Not. Coming. Back. Here." He stated as if he was talking to a 7 year old instead of a 17 year old. Ugh how could he forget to tell me that he was going to make me move across the world after marriage, where the life and culture was so different. How could he forget to tell me he wasn't from the UK?

I do what I do best, ignore my problems. I start up the car and drive straight home or temporary home after the bombshell he just dropped on me. And head straight to bed. I drift into a comforting sleep.

I wake up an hour before Fajr, so I decide to pray Tahajud, in the prayer room we have. I sit on the prayer mat when I'm done and I cup both my hands and raise them upwards to talk to my Lord. I ask for forgiveness for my sins and ask him to bless me and Ismail with a blessed life together. I ask him to keep me on the right path, to guide me through all my challenges in life and the same for Ismail. I felt so much better now talking to my Creator always brought such peace and comfort nothing worldly could ever give me. I've come to realise that Ismail would want to go back where he was born and raised, even if it was halfway across the world.

I check the time and see there's only 15 minutes left till Fajr so I go to wake up Ismail. To my surprise, he's already awake. He was sat on the edge of the bed with head in his hands. I cleared my throat to catch his attention and his head snaps up, his eyes stare straight into mine pulling me into a trance that his hazel eyes won't let me leave, ever. I break the eye contact by turning my head, and start to speak "Um, its nearly time for Fajr. So do wudu and come pray."

"Wait- Aren't you mad or annoyed?" He questioned, in shock.

"No, why would I be? "I shot back acting as if nothing happened last night.

"Ayla you can't ignore this. We are going. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I understand," mocking his tone "I just needed some time to get my head round this news."

"Its kinda hard for me to leave this country behind with all the memories of my mum and her grave is here as well." I say tearing up.

He got up, striding towards me he engulfed me in a hug, a much needed one. "It's ok. It'll be fine. You're going to be leaving all the bad memories here and start afresh. And as long as you remember your mum in your duas then what more would she want." He said soothingly.

I looked up at him and smiled "I'm ready."

Reciprocating my smile, he stated "good".

-A month later-

Today was my results day. I'm so nervous. I didn't sleep the whole night nor did I let Ismail. I kept doing stupid things like talking to myself, rearranging furniture, banging my head on the wall which kept him up.

He's currently sat next to me in his new Range Rover glaring at me. I don't get why he's so annoyed, he pisses me off like this normally, the only difference was that I annoying him at night. I voiced my thoughts and he shot me a heated stare to which I realised I should keep my mouth zipped from now on.

We were on our way to my college to collect my results. As soon as we reached, I jumped out of the car and ran into the college. I couldn't stand another minute in that tense atmosphere. I got to the hall, grabbed the envelope with my name on it and inhaled deeply. I hope I got decent grades cause it would hurt my ego if I didn't.

I turned round to meet the hazel eyes I became so familiar with over these few months. He was looking down at me softly sensing my nervousness. He held out his hand, knowing I wasn't planning on opening it any time soon. I passed it over and he opened and scanned the documents, expressionless. He turned to me and smiled, a proud one. He then passed it over and I grabbed it off of him and looked at my grades.

My jaw dropped.

I checked the papers again just in case I was hallucinating.

Nope. I wasn't.

I checked the name on the envelope just in case it wasn't mine.

Nope. My name written in bold.



Me! I got straight As the girl who kicked out of college, the girl who crammed 2 years of content in 3 months, the girl that thought she just about 3 Cs got 3 As!

I turned to Ismail and hugged him tightly, if he hadn't forced me to take my exams, I would have never done this.

He parted from the hug and took my hand and lead me outside. "My jaan! I'm so proud!" He exclaimed whilst planting a kiss on my forehead. "I knew you could do it!" He smiled whilst leading me to the car. I was shocked, happy and grateful at the same time. I looked at him, with a smile, if it wasn't for the man sat next to me I wouldn't have even considered, "Thank you" I whisper. He looks at me confused, "What for?"

"Having faith in me when I didn't."

He smiles and takes a hold of my hand "That, my wife is what I am here for. It's my duty as your handsome husband." He winks at me and kisses my knuckles.

We go home and pray 2 nafl to give thanks to Allah, nothing would be possible without him and his permission. Subhanallah!

We then get started on packing for Pakistan. We weren't taking much as there was no need, Ismail said his parents would have everything we both need. So I guess we're going and nothing was going to stop it.

I wonder what turn my life was going to take now.


Is Ayla happy?
Do you think she'll be able to adjust in Pakistan?

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