Chapter 23

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The next day repeated the same.

Completing the tasks expected of me.

I went to my room to clean it before Ismail came and I caught Kaneez passing by. I signalled her to enter and pretend she is doing something different to me. Because if any other maid sees they'll report to Ismail.

"Kaneez I need something."

"What do you need Bibi?"

"Birth control tablets."

She turned at me and looked at me shocked. "Why? Why would you want to prevent having a child? A child may be the answer to your problems, it'll make Ismail's behaviour softer to you and it will help your sinking marriage." She said with so much enthusiasm that I almost believed her.

"Are you mad? You are saying to bring a child into this mess! If he's having absolutely no mercy on me now, what makes you a child will change anything?" I almost shout.

"Men change when the matter comes to their offspring."

"That's a lie. He's using me against my brother, he won't hesitate to bring an innocent child into this mess. I need those tablets and I want them today! Do you hear me?" I say sternly, so she understands I'm not going to change my mind anytime soon.

"Ok. Ok. Fine. I'll get them for you. But we're going to have to be very careful we don't want Ismail or anyone else finding out. And make sure when you get them you hide them properly from Ismail, ok?"

"Ok." I repeat.

The time had come for Ismail to return come. I wonder what punishments he had thought up for me today.

Dinner was served and finished. Today he had left quite a bit of food for me surprisingly.

Now it was time for the family's evening tea.

I made my way to the living room, to find them sitting separately, not like a family but like strangers.

Ismail and Ismail's father were sat together talking to each other in a low tone seriously but stopped when I enetered the room.

While my mother in law was talking to Zara who was just staring into space.

I placed the tray down and started making the tea in front of them. I made the first one and a moved onto the next one, planning to pass everyone their cups after I had made everyone their tea.

But a hand reached to the tea cup, just as I was pouring tea into the next cup and I flinched. I feared that hand, which had no remorse when raising it against me.

Unfortunately when I flinched the tea I was pouring splattered everywhere, a large amount landing on that hand.

He retracted his hand immediately and shouted "YOU DUMB SLUT!" He was blowing on his burn when he called for kaneez and the main maid.

"Yes sir?" They asked in unison.

"Boil enough water to fill a bathtub and bring it to my room." He orders calmly. Like the cam before a storm.

He grips my arm and drags me up to him, "You're going to learn a lesson that you'll never forget." He starts dragging me out of the room when his mom finally speaks up.

"Stop! You are not taking that girl anywhere. Don't you dare think of hurting her anymore!" She threatens.

But in an instance Ismail's father jumps up from his seat and slaps her so hard she falls to the ground. Zara slightly flinches but Ismail stays rooted to his spot.

"Don't you dare speak up. Ismail can do whatever he wants with that she is now our property." He then towards us, "Go, go on Ismail." And Ismail with a nod of his head took us to our room.

The maids had kept coming in to fill up the tub with the boiling water, while I was stood there just in a robe. He had already stripped me down of any clothing.

As Kaneez dumps the last bucket of water, she turns and sends an apologetic look my way. While the head main sends me a pitiful one. Either I am getting punished and I can't escape.

He drags me to the bathroom and  rips the gown off of me, leaving me naked. He then nears my ear " this is a lesson you'll never forget" abd he picks me up and throws me into the tub of boiling water. I screech as my body makes contact with the water.

I try to jump out but he holds me down by my shoulders. "You can't escape your punishment my love". I continued kicking, pushing anything my whole body was on fire. I was in extreme pain, how much of a heart can you be to do this without much remorse?  I thought to myself.

I could feel all my skin burning, blisters forming, but I couldn't do anything. I can't save myself.

He finally let go of me and I jumped out of the tub. My throat coarse from shouting abc body shaking from pain. When will this torture stop? When is he going to realise that he shouldn't hurt me like this? When will I be free?

The next thinks I knew, kaneez was by my side attending my wounds with the assistance of another maid. They sent me pitying looks every once in a while, while I stared into space.

What had I gotten myself into? I was surely not going to leave alive? I was surely never going to leave?

My body had been burnt by him now. What other zahams would he give me?

They attended those wounds and left. Left me alone. But I was always alone.

No one came into my room for the following weeks. I couldn't physically move for those weeks. I was glad that I didn't have to see his face. I don't know where he went or when he was coming back.

All I knew was that he wasn't going to go easy on me now.

And I would have to take it cause I'm just his property.

This is my life.

The end!
She lives with him until her last breath.
So yh that's a wrap!
Ok I'm joking.
I just want to end this book🥲 it's taking so long and I have no idea why.
I doubt that anyone's even going to read these A/Ns.
Oh well🤷‍♀️

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