Chapter 17

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-3 days later-

Me and Ismail had come to the agreement that we would choose each other's outfits for all the events but it would stay a secret and we would only see them on the day.

However, my walima outfit had come and it was gorgeous! I had tried it on and was running through my house showing it to everyone.

During these days I've grown to love this family, they were all I ever wanted a loving mother, a respectful father, a playful sister and a great husband.

I've also grown close to the workers of this haveli, the Hussains don't treat their workers less than family, they make sure everyone is treated equally and respectfully. It was such a lovely thing to see.

I had shown my outfit to nearly everyone just Ismail left now. I was running through the halls to his study where he spent a good amount of his time, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard a loud voice echo through the empty hallway. "Ismail! Keep HER in HER limits. She's prancing around the house as if she is this family's daughter in law."

"But she is abbu." Came a meek reply.

"That girl will never be accepted into my family. She's just bought collateral. One that we can use against the boy that sold her to us."


"No buts, Ismail. Keep her in her place, she should never have the status of being your wife, we are simply having these wedding festivities to prove those that know about this so called deal wrong. We are going to show the world that we accept and in this haveli we will treat how she needs to treated. Don't let her get too free, keep a tight hold on her and never and I repeat, NEVER let her go. She's going to stay in your nikah till the day she dies! We'll bring on her what a dirty bought slave like her deserves she doesn't deserve anything that's currently around her and YOU'LL make sure of it. And that boy, if he steps out of line even by a hair we'll bring hell in his beloved sister." He cackled, his beloved sister, does that mean...Usmaan?

Usmaan sold me?

No. No. NOO! I thought to myself. I need to get myself out of here, I can't stay here, they've promised hell on me and they'll definitely fulfil what they have promised.

I backed away, with tears of disbelief streaming down my face. To my misfortune, I backed into a table which had a large vase placed on it. The vase smashed into tiny pieces with a loud smash. The door opened of the study opened almost immediately and there I stood like a rabbit caught in headlights. The father of Ismail smirked knowing he would cook up a storm no one could get me out of.

"Look! Dekho! Is Larki ki kartoot!" He exclaimed. "She was eavesdropping in our conversation, but she didn't do a great job, did she?" He asked me mockingly.

I tried to retreat, to run, to get away from here but as soon as took a step backwards I was grabbed by Ismail's father, "Where do you think you are going Larki?" He questioned whilst having a harsh grip on my arm.

"I'm going!" I exclaimed, "I'm going I'm not staying here for one further minute you can't trap me in these walls. I'm going to escape. I WILL ESCAPE!" I screamed in his face.

A sharp pain spread through my check as my head snapped the other way.

"You stupid girl!" He spat, "Look, look Ismail! What she just did to me. She DISRESPECTED ME and what are YOU doing, just standing there? Sort this whore out before I kill you and her off. No one has had the courage to even look me in the eye when speaking and this whore had fully disrespected me! What have I come to, Ya Allah! Ismail sort her out and keep her in check or the consequences will be worse for you than her!" He pushed me towards the floor and stepped back.

Now Ismail stepped forward, he bent down to my level as I scrawled on the floor and whispered sincerely "I'm sorry" and with no remorse in his eyes he raised his hand and slapped my on the same cheek, I had just been slapped on. 

I gasped and whimpered, my face aching. He stood up straight and kicked my stomach with an unearthly force. I screamed in pain.

In this time, my mother in law had come and witnessed the sin that her son had committed. She gasped her hands at her mouth, but was still.

Ismail was now walking around me like a vulture circling his prey. He stopped at my feet, I was still in pain from his last attack but what could I do? They'd drag me back before I could even get up from the floor.

"You said you were going to run away, right?" Ismail asked. I slowly nodded, as there was no point of denying becaus he had heard my little outburst just now. "I'll see how you do that now." He said calmly. He picked up the toppled table and smashed it on my legs. I howled in pain, screaming and begging for him to stop, but he was relentless. When he stopped, he stepped back analysing his work with a proud smirk on his face and merriment dancing in his eyes. I could feel blood trickling down my legs and dripping into the floor, a sign that this was not a nightmare, it was real, a reality. My reality.

Ismail's mother was screaming hysterically whilst his sister just stared at me in shock and fear. Whilst his father had a proud smile on his face, what was he proud of that his darling son beat up his 18 year old wife, wow what a man he is!

Ismail clicked his fingers in front of my face bringing me out of my thoughts. "Now, my dear wife!" He mocked with a sweet yet taunting tone. "How are you going to escape now? I've broken your legs now. If you ever," he grabbed my face into a tight grip and continued "and I mean ever say or even so much as think such a thing EVER again your punishment will be 100x more deadly. I'll make sure I'll take you to the brink of death but I'll never push you over cause my wife you need to suffer ALL my wrath before tasting death." He kicked me again in the stomach causing me to throw up blood and walked back into his study with his father tailing and smiling as if he had just won the lottery.

How am I going to live my life now?


So......that took quite a turn.
What's likely to happen now?

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