Chapter 28

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The door swung open to reveal the two who were having that conversation. My father and his wife. 

As we locked eyes, he stilled and his eyes seemed to soften. Guilt, sorrow, regret swimming through those dark eyes. The eyes I wished to see in my time of helplessness, the ones whose help I needed and what did he do? He turned his back on me, just like everyone else did. But what could I expect from others, when he himself did such a thing to his own daughter? 

"Ah-hem." An awkward fake cough tried to ease the tension of the room. My attention landed on the woman, his wife more specifically. She was beautiful young woman, as expected. I suspected that this marriage was probably a result of this man's lust. I guess he ruined a life in the process or two, but that didn't matter as his lust had been fulfilled now. 

"Ayla my bacha. Come here." He said while opening his arms out to me, and unshed tears in his eyes. When I didn't move he came to me and engulfed into a heart-warming embrace. I flinched hard and remained stiff. 

This is what I had wanted for the past 2 years and now I was getting it I don't know why I couldn't accept it. Is it because I don't deserve happiness? Because that's what he would tell me. 

"Ayla. Beti. I'm sorry. I didn't mean those words. I really didn't. I never would mean those words. What have they done to you?" He whispered, whilst he stroked my hair. I was still stood like a statue. 

I didn't know what to do. 

"Ayla please speak to me." He begged.

That's when I broke. I started crying and shouting like a madwoman. "I hate you. I HATE YOU! Why couldn't you be there when we needed you, when I needed you? I struggled so badly all those months. They all left like you did. I tried talking to you, I tried talking to them. But no one wanted to listen. They all ignored my cries. Why? WHY? Did you do that? I get that she's your wife as well." I say pointing to her. "But you still had responsibilities towards us. Towards me! Was I not your daughter?"

We sobbed in each other's embrace. Whilst regretting our past mistakes. 

He pulled out of the embrace and grabbed my hand, taking me to the bed. He sat me down and sat on the floor at my feet. "Beti, look at me." He asked softly. I looked at him, his tear stricken sunken eyes, his thinning hairline, his thin, frail hands gripping my hands. He looks like he's on the verge of death. "I know. I know I did bad by ignoring you. I know I should have helped you when you asked me to. I know I should have fulfilled my responsibilities. I'm sorry! But I'm going to make it better now. Starting now. What happened in the course of your marriage?" 

All the memories came running, the good, the bad. The happy days, the atrocious days. The care-free days and the pain-full days. I let out a sob, " do you know?" 

"Beti. It's everywhere on the news. At first, I thought it was fake as such scandals are always possible against big politicians. But after seeing you, I've realised that it's not. So, please tell me. I'll get your revenge, every tear you cried, every drop of blood that has been spilled from your veins and every tiny pain you've suffered. I'll avenge it all. You are my daughter after all." He says with a soft smile. 

"Abbu, leave it. Leave it! I don't want to reminded of the demons of my past. Please just leave. Look, I'm still alive. I survived all of it. Please just leave it, I don't want to remember." I cried on his shoulder, letting all my sorrow and frustrations out.  

"Shhhh. Shhh mera bacha.Ok I'll leave get some rest and I'll Waliya to make you some food. This is you room, from now on. You can change whatever you don't like."

"If you need anything then don't hesitate to ask from me." Says Waliya with a smile. "You are my daughter and this is your house as well." She says with a laugh. 

I return her smile, "Thank you, both of you," looking between the two, "but... I don't think I can stay here. It's not suitable."

"What? NOT SUITABLE? Ayla! You are my daughter! How is this not suitable?" Shouts my Abbu.

"But sooner or later, I'll end up being a burden on you guys especially as I'm pregnant." 

"You won't be. You'll never be a burden on us. A child could never be a burden their parents." Spoke Waliya. 

"I know but-" 

"Not buts, Ayla. I have neglected you in the past but I won't now. You will live here."

"Abbu. I've got my own apartment. I'd like to live alone now. Please just let me. I promise I'll come straight here if I don't feel comfortable or have any trouble. Pleeeease. You need rest you guys are getting older and you won't get it with me around." I begged him with a chuckle. I had no idea why I wanted to live alone, I guess I didn't want to be a burden on them and intrude in their family. 

They both shot me with cold glares and I laughed whilst holding my hands up surrendering. "Will you actually come back to me if you have any trouble? Pakka vada?"

I laughed and repeated confidently "Pakka vada."

"You will have to spend every Friday here though, ok?" I nodded my head. 

They both engulfed me into a loving embrace and for the first time after my mom died. I felt at home. 

The following day I went to my flat to start my life afresh. 


So she reconciled with her father, were you expecting that?

I don't proof read at all, so feel free to pick out any mistakes. (This should have been out somewhere at the start but here we are 🤷‍♀️).

It wasn't meant to be ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن