Chapter 18

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-4 Days Later-

The mendhi function had been completed just now. I spent the entire event giving fake smiles and appreciating the fake compliments thrown my way, whilst my hands, arms and feet were adorned with henna.

I was in pain. I couldn't believe it, the incident still plays out in my head, every detail, every ounce of pain I felt and yet I was still in this house, this decorated cage. Ha! How the hell was I expecting to get out of this hell when my legs pained intensely every time I would even move them, he really won't let me leave, he really has blocked all my ways.

After the incident, I was taken to my room (Ismail and I were staying kin different rooms until the Reception) by the servants. They were tending to my wounds when Rabia bi entered and ran to me with tears in her eyes. "Beti. Beti... meri bachi what happened to you?" she questioned so sincerely."

I let out a sob and hugged her. I felt safe in her embrace, like I once used to in his. "He... he, he...." I tried to get the words out but they wouldn't leave my mouth, I still couldn't believe what he had done to me and I knew this was just the beginning. "He what? Tell me?"

"He beat me. Ismail beat me. They saw me outside the study and thought I was eavesdropping and... and I didn't mean to. I promise I wasn't doing it on purpose and I said some stupid things in the heat of the moment and and he beat me." I quietened down whilst Rabia Bi's face hardened, she was angry. "Did you know they bought me from my brother. My brother sold me! He sold me!" I quietly voiced my thoughts, Rabia Bi stilled and then took me into a loving embrace "I'm sorry my beti. I'm so sorry, you don't deserve all this wrong happening with you. I'm sorry."

But how much, or more specifically what will this apology fix? My broken legs, my torn heart or my shattered soul? None, none of them. An apology makes the wrong doer feel better about themselves after they committed the crime but it can never and I mean never reverse the damage that has been caused. It's like putting a plaster on a boat which has several holes in it, the water will still enter just not from that boat and the boat will sink, but maybe the boat was always doomed from day one, just like me.

Rabia Bi stayed with me until I fell asleep and when I awoke I was informed that Rabia Bi had resigned from her role in this haveli and had moved away, it probably had something to do with me, but I pray that she safe and happy. I didn't want to be the reason of her suffering. I had been assigned a new maid, Kaneez. She looked a little older than me and she was beautiful, she had hazel eyes with auburn hair and breath taking smile. She was married to one of the gardeners of the haveli and was happy. Her scars said otherwise. She insisted on calling me 'bibi', I refused many times but she wouldn't pay any heed, she said it was a sign of respect towards as I was the daughter in law of this house. But you're not, you aren't the daughter-in-law of this, you never have been and never will be. Don't you remember what you heard? My mind questioned me. Oh, I knew the beating from that day was enough to remind for a lifetime.

"Smile and act happy," an angry gruff voice whispered in my ear, snapping me back into reality. I turned and there sat next to me was the devil himself. I plastered on a smile and he visibly relaxed, oh they would never want anyone to raise a finger on their family, but they could raise their hands on a girl.

During this incident =, my mother in law was supportive, it was if she had been through the pain to know what I was feeling. Maybe she had. Every time Ismail had tried to make his way to me or even near me she would prevent it from happening, she knew I was still shaken up everyone did whenever I caught a glimpse of him or his father, I would flinch. The first few times she kept Ismail away from me, but after that he would ignore her and barge his way through the room until he was sat next to me. He would sit there quietly holding my hand to his chest, occasionally kissing it. I would try to pull it out of his hold but he would never let me, the maids would give me teasing smiles as they left the room, but this was the man who broke my legs without no remorse. I didn't have it in me to forgive him yet.

His father would come from time to time, calling me a different slur every time. It hurt the first few times but after that I would just block it out and pretend this wasn't my life, that this was all a dream. I could only pretend. Zara had kept her distance from me now, she must have been afraid and shocked to see what had happened. She might not have accepted what her bother and father had done, I don't blame her. My brain didn't register the incident until 2 hours later and when it dawned on me it hurt. It hurt like hell, I guess they really are true to their word, the Hussain family.

The reception and Walima took place without any disruptions, I guess hell would come to me after all.


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Is it going to be a 'happy ever after' or is it going to be something darker?

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