Chapter 31

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The next I headed to the hospital as instructed by Aunty Nosheen.

I was due my ultra sound so the appointment was needed.

I explained very vaguely what had happened to the doctor.

She took the ultrasound and told me that the children looked fine, but she'd like to advise me on my diet and tips leading up to the delivery. Especially because it was my first pregnancy and my young age.

18. Pregnant. Lost. Scared. Afraid. But I have faith in Allah, he'll help me out of this deep hole I'm stuck in.

I near the doctors office and as I'm about to go in a nurse stops. "Ma'am the doctor asked me to do some tests on you, just precautionary. So if you could follow me please?"

I nod and follow her and get the tests done. I'm exhausted as I make my way back the doctor's office. I sit myself down and tells he what she wants and prescribes with some vitamin tablets to help the tiredness and drowsiness I often get.

I bid goodbye to the doctor and head out.

I walk out but the proscription slips out of hand. I bend awkwardly to grab and as I straighten, I see her my sister, my Api with a man I've never seen before.

She looks at me shocked and then tears fall from her eyes. And she starts coming my way.

I turn abruptly and go the opposite way hoping she gets the hint. And then something else stops me... 

Usmaan, my so-called brother. The pathetic excuse of a man who sold me and killed my soul. He stood angry, he stomps towards me and shouts "Why the fuck aren't you with your husband, the real one?"

I change directions again and there Ismail is running towards me, " That's my child. HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME!"

My breathing quickens. My vision blurs. All the demons of past confronting me all at once was too much. I couldn't take and then I dropped. I dropped to the floor and the last thing I see, is al of them stood around me.

And I black out, hoping for the last time ever.

Api's POV:
This part will be in the point of view of Ayla's elder sister, who doesn't have a name because I simply cannot be bothered. 🤗 I'm a piece of shit like that, sorry guys.

The doctor rushes out to us and unexpectedly holds her hands up to us. "I beg of you leave. Leave now all of you! She's in a serious condition after seeing you lot and she honestly doesn't need any more drama. By seeing you lot you've triggered past trauma and she can't take it. She will die. So stay away and keep away. Leave her be. She's been through a lot. If you don't know, it looks like she's been consistently raped or even gang raped but how would you lot know. She's alone, she's fighting her past alone, she's facing her challenges alone. She thinks I'm stupid and I won't know but I know. There's scars on very part of her body. She's strong, she's a fighter but she won't be able to fight longer if you lot pop up as an obstacle, an obstacle that she can't fight against. So I beg you, leave her alone. Don't come near, don't speak to her, heck don't even look at her. Leave her be. Go. Please. Before she wakes up." She turns and walks back into Ayla's room, leaving us all speechless.

My baby sister has been through so much and I didn't even bother to help her. Check up on her. BE there for her.

I didn't do any of that.

"I don't care what that botch says, I'm staying," said Usmaan as he sat back on one of the waiting chairs.

"So am I. Going to teach that slut a lesson for lying to me." Said Ismail as he also sat down.

Without thinking, I went it the both of them and slapped the both of them so hard that their faves flipped to the side.

Now they sat there with red marks on their faces and anger brewing on their eyes.

Salman dragged me backwards in a protective manner. Knowing that something would blast.

"How could you? The both of you. How could you? She's lying on a hospital bed half dead cause of the two of you. Don't think I missed the biggest headlines if this year: 'The famous and renowned Ismail Hussain abused his wife to death'. So tell me why are you two sat here and not at each other's throat, huh? How are so calm after DESTROYING AN INNOCENT GIRL? TELL ME!" I screamed.

I was dragged back by my husband Salman. "Calm down Alisha! This is your first successful pregnancy after many miscarriages. Please calm down it's not good fire toy or the baby."

I was astounded, shocked, speechless. "Are you serious? Are you fucking serious SALMAN? You wouldn't care cause that's not your sister lying on a hospital bed half-dead after seeing you, is it now? She's gone. She's not the Ayla that I knew of. I should have been there for her but I wasn't! We lost our mother, I am in place of our mother. I should have been there for her. I was in place of her mother. SHE SHOULD OF COME TO ME! Why am I such a shit sister? I couldn't see her dukh nor her suffering." My cries downed down to sobs. I held onto Salman's top and sried on his chest. "Why am I such a terrible sister, Salman?" 

"Alisha, you're not. You are not a terrible sister I've been watching you trying to track your sister down for months. You tried. It's not your fault she's in this condition."

"Api stop being dramatic everyone is looking at us." Came a voice from behind us. 

"Usmaan. I swear open your mouth and address me like that, I swear I WILL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF. How can you have no mercy, no guilt? Did you not see how she collapsed after seeing you? How could you sell your sister, you guriya?" For a moment, his face softened but in a blink of an eye he hardened his facial features, "So what if I sold her? I saw an opportunity and I took it and it largely benefitted me." He smirked whilst looking over to Ismail who boiling in anger.

"I never thought you could stoop so low." I say shaking my head. "Don't you see? Even after knowing that YOU were the one who put her in hell she never got revenge from you. Don't you see? She was the only ONE out of all of us who BOTHERED about OUR parents. Don't you know? We are fully orphans!" I laugh bitterly. "We are orphans yet we never tended to our parents. She!" I pointed over to her room. "She was the only one who stayed with them first our mother and then our father. SHE stayed with them during their last days and SHE was the only one who cared. I had just had my 3rd miscarriage and was in severe depression. That's why she wasn't able to get through to me? But you! What was your excuse? Why couldn't you be bothered with your own father? He adored you. He adored you, Usmaan! He loved you so much maybe it was because you were the only boy but you didn't prove yourself worthy of his love did you? Ayla did. For both of them."

I pushed him out of the way "And you. You! Even if that khota sold my sister without anyone knowing. You, YOU didn't have to treat her like that. You didnt have to ruin her like that. Why would you do that? To an innocent girl who was dragged into that mess unknowingly. You didn't need to do use her like that. You really did abuse the relationship of Nikah. I'm disgusted." 

I turned around and left the hospital with Salman in trail. I was also at fault. I also had a hand in all this. I wasn't totally bekasoor like I acted. I could have helped instead of walking out on my mum, the woman that would have given up her life for mine in a heartbeat. I should have brought her to myself as soon as I found out about the deal but I didn't. My khudgarzi took over and my sister got ruined in the mess she wasn't even aware of. she didn't deserve this. None of it. I'm going to make it better from my account. I'll be the big sister I never was all those years.

I promise to you, Ayla. I'll be a better sister. Someone you count on.


So, a pov from someone else other than Ayla.

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