Chapter 20

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"Now. My wife its time for your punishment." He says evilly.

He stands up and smiles at me, a wicked one. And steps on my legs right where the worst injuries were, I screamed in pain. A few seconds later the door was being banged at by my mother in law she shouting at him to stop but he paid no heed yet again. He finally lifts his foot off of my legs and then goes to kick me in the stomach. He grabs my hair in a tight grip and lifts me off of the floor, "you disrespected me, didn't you? You disobeyed me, didn't you? Well now YOU'LL suffer the consequences." He shouted in my face, whilst I was shaking vigorously. He raised his hand and slapped me hard across the face. Once, twice. Again and again never stopping nor breaking his rhythm. He stepped back yet again to admire his art work, the damage he had caused me. He then took a belt from his wardrobe, a hit me that over and over again, whilst I was begging, screaming for him to stop.

My deed wasn't going even half as bad as the punishment I was getting. "Please stop," I begged, which my tears of excruciating pain ran down my cheeks.

He grabbed my arm and brought me closer to him. "You haven't even fulfilled half of your punishment, so I suggest you keep quiet before I end up killing you with my bare hands. And so he kept going slapping, kicking, punching and whipping me. Like I wasn't a human, like I don't feel pain.

He finally sat down, his chest heaving rapidly after the torture he had given me. I guess he needed to gain his energy, sometimes the devil does need some rest from his wrongdoings.

He got up and dragged me over to the bed. He threw me on it with an inhumane force and climbed on top. I knew what was coming. I knew what he was plotting but I couldn't let it happen. I won't let it happen.

He was now crushing me with his weight whilst I was trying to find a way out. I can't let this happen to me. It'll kill me. He's kissing my face, my neck and then... my lips. He was kissing my lips as if there was no tomorrow, I was quitting under him, but that only encouraged to be more rough. I finally pulled my arms from under him and tried to push him off. Once, twice - nothing happened.

So I did what I knew what would work. I freed my leg from underneath and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned in pain while I bolted to the door, trying to open the lock with my fumbling fingers. But no such luck for me.

I was dragged back by the elbow and was thrown onto the bed to come face-to-face with a furious Ismail.

"You can't escape now nor will you ever escape."

Yet another slap resonated through the silence. A whimper slipped through my lips "Chup! Bilkul chup! If I hear anything else from your mouth I'll give you another beating that you'll remember for the rest of your life. I broke your legs last time, this time I'll break all your bones then we'll see how you run next time." He threatened, prions of his heinous acts like the sadist he is.

When he didn't hear a peep out of me, he climbed on top of me again. Silent tears slipped from my tear ducts and decorated my already bruised face. He was again kissing this time more aggressively. Then he moved onto nibbling and biting, I hoped he wouldn't.

But those hopes were killed when he ripped my clothes off of me. I let out a sob, his then lust filled eyes were now angry. "This is your first and last warning. Don't make a noise." He hissed. He was back to kissing, sucking and biting the skin that came into contact with his lips whilst I was trying not to let another sound, to not get another beating.

He stripped himself and smirked at me. "After this moment, you will always be mine. Mine forever!" He announced proudly. "Please don't do this to me." I quietly begged. "Please," I pleaded.

But no heed was paid to my words as he plunged into me. I let out a bloodcurdling scream. One that echoed through the hallways of the haveli. One that reached many ears, but none at the same time. One that informed others of the beginning of my end.

He kept going and I kept fighting. I tried to push him off, i tried to kick him off and then I retreated to begging and pleading. But none of this had an affect on the devil as he kept going, he kept using my body against my will, he kept using my body to fulfil his pleasure. He kept raping me.

I should have kept fighting but I gave up. I laid like a corpse underneath him while he did what he willed.

My silent tears ran down my face. My facial features distorted with the excruciating pain he was causing me.

And then he stopped, he climbed off of me and walked to the other side of the room, rubbing his face. I pulled my legs together and rolled over to lay on my side, so my back was facing away from him.

I was in pain. So much pain. Pain that he's caused.

All of a sudden I'm lifted up and thrown back onto the bed so I was looking at him, my husband, my rapist, my ghunagaar.

He started to pry my legs apart. I yelped, "Please Ismail. I can't do this anymore. Please leave me! My body can't take it. YOU'VE ALREADY TAKEN MY VIRGINITY! IVE PROVED MY PURITY TO YOU! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?" I'm crying and my body aches with every small movement.

"I know I've taken your virginity but I haven't fulfilled my lust yet." And he plunged into me again.

I cried helplessly as he fulfilled his lust. I cried in pain whilst he cried in pleasure. I had tears in my eyes and frown on my face whilst he smirked knowing that he had won.

He was finally done with me. He got up and whispered in my ear "this is how you'll spend your nights from now on. Pleasuring me." And with he got of the bed and stalked towards the en suite. I covered my body with whatever fabric that came to hand and laid there on the very bed I was raped on. I heard the water turn on and I turned on my side. Tears still streaming down my eyes. I grabbed the corner of the pillow I had my head on and buried my face in it and screamed.

I screamed in helplessness, frustration, weakness and pain.

I knew that from this moment on my life wouldn't be the same.

And I guess I was right. There were much bigger obstacles to come my way.


This chapter was so hard to write. It took me a week!🥲

I really didn't want to do this to Ayla, but it's important for the plot to progress.

So who's excited to find out what happens in their lives next?

It wasn't meant to be ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt