Garmadon attack (again)

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The day was normal to begin with, people are minding their own business and Garmadon attack the city again...

But this time, he's determent to kidnap one of the ninja with his new shark mech. And yes, that ninja is [Y/N]/Luna herself.

The ninjas already went to their mechs and went out to their normal position. Luna is helping the citizen while keeping an eye out to the generals and army around the area. [Btw [Y/N] is the one taking control now]

"Thank you Luna!" the woman said after Luna save her child from being hit by a general.

"Your welco-" [Y/N] got cut off by Jay shouting into the comms.

"Gamadon has taken down Lloyd!" Jay said, forgot about [Y/N] pretend didn't know about the green ninja real name.



[Y/N] is shocked. The girl told the woman to hide in a safe place. Then, Luna took control and she went up to the top of the buildings, making her way to Garmadon.

'Can't you go any faster?!'

'Calm down, potato. Being a hothead is my job not yours.'

'How am I suppose to be calm?!'

'Find your inner peace dumbass'

Luna sense that [Y/N] is calm as she kept moving towards the giant mech that is heading towards the mayor tower. When she reached there, she did the most stupidest thing that she could have done for her entire life.


'Pfft hahahahahahahahh! You did not just shout at the warlord like he's a little kid!'

'But hey at least you're happy. Your influence is rubbing off me.'

Garmadon notice the girl and immediately use his  claw thing and grab her. Luna didn't have time to react and got captured. She tap the button and speak into the comms.

"Hey, I just got caught by Mr. Garmadon. Please do help me." she spoke and turned off the comms.

They reached the top of mayor tower. "So are you going to hold onto me like this or...?" 

"I want you to join my army, Lane."  Luna just give him the 'bruh' face.

"Who the hell is Lane? You mean the beyblade character from the show? Cause my name is Luna. Plus, I'm not joining your shark army." Luna said, a bit irritated by the name.

'Huh, maybe we watched too much anime.'

'Nonsense! There's not such things as too much anime!'

Luna laugh a little by [Y/N]'s comment before she notice a familiar green mech in front of them.

Garmadon and the green ninja have a little chat with each other for sometime while Luna just chilling with the claw thing still grabbing onto her.

"And I also have your friend Lane here!" 

'Finally, we've been notice! A gold star for you, Garmadon.'

'You do know we're still hook to this claw thing right? And what is that weapon Lloyd is holding?'

'Ye- Wait what? What weapo-  When did that get there?'

'You didn't notice?! I thought you saw it when they landed!'


Lloyd notice the girl who is not paying attention to the hand that is clearly holding her back from doing anything.

"Drop the girl or I will fired the weapon!"

"Woah, easy green ninja!" Garmadon said. He knew he couldn't risk him fire the Ultimate Weapon.

"Drop the girl, I'm warning you!" Lloyd said, still threating to fired the Ultimate Weapon.

"Alright, alright." Garmadon let the girl go. But the girl is too caught up with their conversation inside that they didn't even notice that they're free from the hand.

And then everything went black.

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