Am I going to die?

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[Don't asked. Plus, video's not mine.]

[Y/N] woke up feeling a bit pain from her head before notice that she's in a cage along with Lloyd and his dad. The cage is carried by a bunch of generals who are saying chanting something.

Lloyd notice his friend woke up and immediately check up on her.

"[Y/N]! You're awake!" Lloyd said. 

"Where in the hell are we going?" [Y/N] asked, after she stood up from her position. 

"Apparently they are going to fire us in to the volcano." Garmadon said.

"The volcano? You mean the one that we heading to right now?" she said as they are getting lift up to the edge of the volcano.

They nodded. Well shit.

"For a young girl like you I expect you to panic but you seems pretty calm." Garmadon said. 

"Yeah about that... You know what I'm calling grandma." [Y/N] took out her pendent and a hologram appear, shocking the two.

'Come on..... pick up!' the hologram then show a girl wearing a light yellow clothing with her hair tie into a ponytail.

"Hi...? Is grandma [Y/N] there? This is an emergency." [Y/N] said as the warlord and his son peek over to see.

"[Y/N]?! OH MY GOD, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU RIGHT NOW?!" Solar shouted. The cage already reach the top and the generals are heading up there to kill them now.

"A volcano? And please come quick I think I'm about to die." 

"A VOLCANO?! WHA-?! ICE GET YOU BUTT HERE, [Y/N] FRICKKIN [L/N] IS AT A VOLCANO!!!!" Solar yelled into a distance, they heard something explode before a girl wearing a red and orange jacket dashed in the room with a jar on her hand.

[I'm changing Fire into Flare since it'll be confusing to the people who don't know her]

Solar looked at Flare before she sigh and teleport the girl to the other side of the call. Flare blinked for a few second before Solar told her to protect [Y/N] until she's out of the volcano and ended the call.

The father and son could only see the generals chanting and was about to push down the cage until Flare just push open the door and made fire cages and trap the generals inside.

"LLOYD! [Y/N]! HELP!" [Y/N] and Lloyd look up and notice their friends are trap inside a separate fire cage as well.

"Um, Flare, can you put them down they're my friends." [Y/N] asked. Flare look over to the cage that contain the ninjas and put them down. 

"Who was that?" - Kai

"Is she some kind of sorcerer?!" - Jay 

"Lloyd, glad you're okay!"- Cole

"Less chatting more walking. If you want to get out of here I suggest you do it now, folks." Luna said as she yeet some bomb at some house. 

"Seems like we're not dying today." [Y/N] said before they continue what they were doing. 

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