Chapter 6: The First Meeting

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I quickly leave the motel soon after returning from the woods. Despite being exhausted, I call for a taxi and head for the airport.

While boarding for Mongolia, I watch for any change in faces in the crowd. I don't notice anything and I find myself smelling the air, trying to see if the smell of my mate is near by. I tell myself that I just want to know when to run and not that I miss his smell.

While on the plane, I try to stay awake. I order some food and try to watch something. I need to keep an eye out for anyone. I lose my strength to stay awake and fall asleep for a while.

I am awoken by the shaking of my arm. I look up to see one of the flight attendants looking down at me. Her face is a mixture of nervousness and clear signs that she is trying to keep a straight face.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Please come with me ma'am."

I sit up fully and frown. "I think I'm fine here."

The woman's hand grips my wrist. "Please... just follow me."

Whatever this woman is doing, it is clearly important to her that I must follow her. So I do. Hesitantly so.

While I walk through the plane, down the aisles with her, I watch everyone's faces. I'm waiting for any sign that something is happening. My nervousness goes up as I see the flight attendant pick up speed.

We go right to the curtain that divides first and second class.

"In here, ma'am."


"Please just go in."

I enter hesitantly and stand there in shock. The whole section is empty. I turn and open the curtain, stopping the woman from walking away.

"Where is everyone?"

She nervously bites her lip. "All of the 1st class seats were bought out by one person. Sorry, I have to go." She hustles away from me before I can say anything.

I am left alone in the room, waiting for something to happen. If someone bought all the seats out, clearly they would have a lot of money. Why wouldn't they just get a private jet? I also would have expected the airport to deny their request.

Whoever bought it out needed to be on the same flight as me, wants to talk to me alone, and has enough influence to make the airport listen to their demands.

Suddenly, on the opposite end of the room, the curtain moves and in walks Mr. Hale. He smiles at me before turning to the bar and pouring himself a glass of whatever he decided to grab.

I go to speak but I stop myself. The faintest most amazing smell comes off him. He was just near my mate. I feel my nervousness increase. He is here.

"Mr. Hale..."

"I'm not Mr. Hale and I'm not your fiancé."


He turns to me and takes a drink from his glass. "My name is Ryder Stone. I am the Beta of Mr. Kaius Hale."

"Then why were you pretending to be him?"

Mr. Stone smiles at me. "Probably because he..." he looks down at his drink and puts on a fake frown. "Never mind. That's something for you to find out."

Great. This Mr. Stone guy isn't going to tell me anything. "Then where is Mr. Hale?"

"He..." Mr. Stone abruptly straightens his back and his eyes glaze over. He is mind linking someone.

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