Chapter 7: Let's Break It

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13 years ago...

The dough curls away from the blade as a woman with brunette curls carved into its surface. She is carving a neat design into the top to make the pie look even more amazing once it is done in the oven.

Her concentration is broken as her 9-year-old daughter walks in and sits at the kitchen table.

"Hey, mom. I have a question."

"Yes, Hiraeth?"

"Well... Prairie keeps playing with that kid who comes around. I keep telling her not to because who knows what could happen." The young girl throws her arms in the air to make her next statement more dramatic. "He could scratch her with his claws."

"That's no way to treat a friend."

"He isn't a friend. Not to me."

Mrs. Hannum sits across from her daughter. "Listen, my love. Don't treat werewolves differently, okay?"

"But dad told me that they are dangerous and to be careful..."

"They are just like us. They can be dangerous but for the most part, they are good."

"Is everyone good?"

"Yes, my love. Everyone is  inherently good. Even werewolves. Someday you will understand."


The memory of what my mom told me fades away as the image of blood comes into my mind. She was wrong and it pains me that she was wrong.

Across from me is Mr. Kaius Hale, a werewolf and my mate who I will forever be tied to. I try to focus my attention out the car window but all I can think about is his eyes staring at the side of my face. He won't look away.

When I look toward him, I only see how deep in thought he is as he looks at me. I don't know if he even realizes that he is looking at me at this point. I feel the urge due to the mate bond to make a move towards him. To start a conversation or to sit next to him.

Hell no.

The car pulls off the road and down a long driveway that is lined with tall trees. The branches break away to reveal a very large mansions, something bigger than my father's.

The car pulls in front of it and I get out with Mr. Hale right behind me. Bryan is there waiting for me. I had told Mr. Hale that Bryan has to be with me because I need someone I feel I can trust. He reluctantly agreed.

Bryan and I walk into the mansion and I turn to him. "Is you mom going to be okay without you for a while?" We are in Canada now and too far for him to stay with his mom to take care of her.

"She will be okay. I told her I'll be back in a week which is all I can stay away for."

"I understand."

"Excuse me."

We turn to see a short, plump older woman walking up to us. "I'm Mrs. Iver. I'll show you around here and help you get settled in."

I smile at the woman with dark brown eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Iver."

Mrs. Iver takes us around the mansion, pointing out the various rooms. Each one has its own version of "fancy" and extravagant decor.

As we are leaving the kitchen, Mrs. Iver suddenly stops and steps back, causing Bryan and I to do the same.

"Oh, Bethany. Sorry, I didn't see you there."

A tall woman with black hair and piercing green eyes walks in. She barley looks at Mrs. Iver as she makes her way into the kitchen.

"This is Bethany. She works for Mr. Hale."

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