Chapter 33: Moon's Demise

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As we approach the lake, the sound of ripping and screams fills the once calm woods. It seems that the chaos is reaching further back into the woods as the fight rages on.

I head towards the lake followed by Ryder and a few other wolves. If it weren't for Ryder pausing in front of me and putting his hand up, I would have never heard the subtle foot falls.

Ryder shoves me behind him just as a blonde wolf stumbles through the brush and into the center of the pack of wolves. They all growl as the blonde wolf flops on the ground. It is clear that the wolf is one of Fenris's men but before my wolves attack, I tell them to pause.

The blonde wolf is not attacking but seems to have not noticed our presence. It is sprawled on the forest floor, gnawing at its legs and paws. The growls are not full growls with grunts of pain interrupting them.

"What is wrong with it?" I ask Ryder.

Its eyes snap towards me as if hearing me for the first time.

"Lucy told me about this." The wolf's eyes are not normal. They are fogged over and in the place of irises and pupils is a round grey dome. "She said Fenris was never able to perfect mind control like Kaius. He tested it on her and that is why Lucy cannot sleep at night without a nightmare."

His fists clench and he takes a step towards the wolf which has resumed its rabbed movements.

"The wolves go crazy after a long time of being under his control. Kaius can do it without hurting their minds but Fenris lacks control. His eyes are not golden like Kaius's so he is not a true ruler."

Ryder leans down and grabs the wolf by its neck. I see his eyes burning with rage as he thinks about his mate. I can't imagine how terrible it must be to know what happened to his mate. To Lucy.

"Ryder, don't."

He stops himself from squeezing the wolf's neck any harder and looks at me.

"If Fenris is controlling it, then that means there is still a person behind it. It can be saved."

Ryder drops the wolf and it continues to writhe on the floor.

"Maybe with some of his men but not all of them. The moon is in their eyes which means the moon goddess is angry. She might just let these wolves die."

"But there is a chance. If we break Fenris's focus or kill him, it can set his men free."

If they are anything like me, they have no clue what they are being used for. My father used me and I lived a lie just like these wolves.

"As you wish, your highness." Ryder says with respect.

We continue on, leaving the poor animal behind. There are many other wolves in the same condition.

As the screams get louder the closer we get to the lake, the clearer it is that the situation is dire.

After we break the tree line, I feel my jaw drop. Never have I ever expected to see what is across the lake.

The lake is now redder and I don't think it is just from the fire raging in the town just past the tree line. Wolves run frantically around, occasionally bitting at themselves before driving their teeth into people running away. The towns people have left the town and ran towards the woods.

Bodies are piled next to the lake, changing the shade to a darker red. Wild wolves rip into innocent people and drop their bodies next to the water.

It smells of copper and ash. As I take a step closer to the lake, another scent hits me. The pain and anguish has manifested into a hot cloud of humidity, wafting across the lake and making tears escape from me. It is the smell of death. The smell of suffering.

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