Chapter 17: What She Means to Kaius Hale

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The man smiles at me as he gestures to the wine glasses half drank.

"Why don't you continue Miss. Hannum?"

"She is fine." Kaius says gruffly.

The man turns to Kaius with a glare. "I'm not here for you."

The man turns back to me.

"Will you at least tell me your name?" I say calmly. I reach for my wine and glance at Kaius as I pretend to take a sip. More alcohol wouldn't help my head stay clear.

Kaius sees what I'm trying to tell him and he forces himself to relax.

"My name is Mr. Jester. I have heard a lot about you."

He leans into his chair and seems to be completely relaxed. His jacket opens and I can see that there is no weapon present. He thinks he has complete control over this room.

Why wouldn't he? He seems to have 20 men surrounding us. 20 is a lot which must mean he is scared behind those blue eyes.

"What kind of things?"

"That you are unstoppable, that your hair is red like fire and I must say that it becomes you. But most importantly, you are engaged to a werewolf. An Alpha at that. To think that Hiraeth Hannum, the woman with a burning hatred towards werewolves, would ever agree to that kind of engagement."

I take a deep breath and flick my wrist to Kaius. It is an odd movement but meant to be one. I want to try to signal to Kaius to start our silent plan. I can only hope he knows what I want him to do. "It's one that will pay off in the end" I say.

"We have an arrangement." Kaius says, getting the attention of Mr. Jester.

"I'm out interested in hearing from you, Mr. Hale." Mr Jester says keeping his eyes on me. His lips are smiling but his eyes says something more twisted. It's like he recognizes me and not because of my name. Like he is visiting a past memory.

"You know, Mr. Jester. It's really rude to ignore her fiancé. Hiraeth and I are to be one person on our wedding day."

Mr. Jester snaps to Kaius and glares at him. "Didn't I say to be quiet."

While Mr. Jester is angry and starting to appear nervous, Kaius is the opposite. He is calm and relaxed and even cocky.

Kaius grins at Mr. Jester, making the strange man's glare harden. "You did but I don't have to listen now do I?"

Mr. Jester turns his body to fully face Kaius. "I am here for Miss. Hannum."

"I see that. But I'd like to speak to you as well. Tell me, what wine should I order you?"

"I don't need anything."

"Are you sure? Do you prefer sweet wines?"


"What about dry?" Kaius's smile grows bigger and cockier.

"I said no." Mr. Jester turns to me again.

"Mr. Jester." Kaius calls.

Mr. Jester glares at the floor next to me.

"Would you prefer a virgin mixed drink?"

Mr. Jester's eyes fly to the corner of the room. Mistake number two. The first is letting Kaius get to him. The second is giving away that someone is watching.

"Mr. Jester, what if I have Hiraeth get the wine bottle for us?"

Mr. Jester's calm countenance is gone and replaced by a nervous man. He is t nervous about Kaius, no, he keeps looking at the camera nervously. He is breaking and not because of Kaius. Someone is putting him under intense watch and Kaius is just giving a slight push on the frail wall.

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