Chapter 8: First Mission

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I wake up to the sun shinning through the curtains. For a second I forget where I am. Quickly, everything comes back to me and I fly out of bed.

I quickly get ready, not sure what today will bring. I have no idea what Mr. Hale's plan is for the job I am going to do for him so I feel the need to be ready for whenever he decides to come get me or whatever will happen today.

After I am ready, I hear a knock at the door just on time. After sliding a shirt on, I go and open the door. A maid is there and she smiles up at me.

"Mr. Hale would like to see you in his office whenever you are ready."

I nod and tell her that I am and to lead the way. I follow her through the house and to a set of large wooden doors.

"This is his office." The maid leaves me, letting me decide when to go in.

Taking a deep breath, I remind myself to stay strong. The bond is strong and if he wants to, he can try and use it to get to me accept him. But I won't and there is a good reason for why I won't.

I open the door and slip in to see him sitting at a large wooden desk. The desk is by a large window and two bookshelves are on either side of him against the wall. Across from his desk is a single chair that seems placed there for me.

He looks up from his desk and motions to the chair. "Take a seat."

I pause for a moment, deciding if I should stay here or take the risk of getting closer. Eventually, I decide to sit across from him. I'll test my luck for now.

After I sit across from him he makes eye contact with me again.

"Despite our bond, I still want you to do a job for me."

I nod.

"Someone has been spreading false rumors and trying to steal my... inheritance. I want you to help me figure out who."

"Why do you need me? I mean, you have enough money to hire someone who does jobs like this professionally. I'm just a bodyguard."

He cracks a smile and I struggle to keep my feeling down. The smile makes him seem irresistibly handsome.

He leans back in his chair, his broad shoulders taking up the back of the chair. "A mate bond is very powerful and if the mates work together, they can sometimes be unstoppable. I would have a better chance with you than any professional. Not to mention..." he leans forward across the desk towards me. A amused glint is in his golden eyes and a cheeky grin remains on his lips. "You are very smart and quick when it comes to getting what you want. Specifically finding things out."

I pause before speaking. My eyes look to the desk's edge in front of me. "Mr. Hale..."

"Kaius" he cuts me off.

I return my eyes to his. "Kaius." His name tastes like sugar on my tongue. Like I just slid a spoonful of sweet desert into my mouth. I try my best to avoid saying his name with any kind of pleasure. I don't want him to know how good it feels to say his name. "What do you want me to do first?"

"Whoever it is, they are hiding behind a bunch of faces. They are smart with what they are doing. Our first job is to investigate a man who might be connected to everything. I want you to go undercover in his house and see if you can find any information out. Sneak into his office if you'd like. Anything can be valuable information."

There is a pause before I respond. Emotionlessly, I say "Fine."

He leans back a bit and looks to my lap, opening his mouth to say something. He looks me in the eyes before he continues. "Why do you hate werewolves so much?"

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