Chapter 16: Dinner Gone Wrong

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Like he promised, Kaius is taking me out to dinner. He told me to dress fancy because he wanted to treat us.

That's an odd word to use between us.

I felt like an idiot and struggled to pick out what to wear for the first time in my life. Usually at home I would just pull out a dress that would anger my father and his stuck up maids. This time, I want to impress. All of my dresses are not modest and... I guess submissive would be the opposite of what's in my closet.

I ended up choosing a deep blue sequins dress that stopped between my knees and ankles. It was tight as most of my dresses are. Part of me was hoping that it wouldn't be too revealing and put me in an... intense situation with Kaius. The other part of me was excited and hopeful that it would happen.

We drove there in his favorite vehicle, a 2021 Ford lifted pickup truck. I honestly like his kind of vehicle more than a sports car. I have no problem climbing in and out in heels and being low to the ground usually made me feel sick.

I know, I'm definitely no normal rich girl.

The restaurant is large with glass windows arching at the top. They are tinted so from the outside all you can see are shadows and candles.

I admire the restaurant as Kaius walks around the vehicle and gives the keys to a valet.


I look up to Kaius who still stands over me even when I'm in heels.

He sticks out his arm and I slowly accept it. This all feels so...

"It feels odd doesn't it?"

I look at him again. His eyes are on the restaurant's doors we are approaching but a slight smirk are on his perfect lips.

"That we are doing something so normal?"

I nod, unable to control myself I then speak, "It's a good kind of odd."

I feel his arm tighten almost... affectionately?

We are lead to a table with two chairs in a secluded part of the restaurant. The table and chairs are a dark wood with a thin white cloth over the table.

We sit and give our drink orders. He orders a Cabernet Sauvignon and I order a Rosé.

"Sweet wines? I would have thought you would prefer something dry."

I smile. "I have to be in a certain mood for dry. Usually I prefer sweet and Rosés happen to be my favorite."

"I'll have to make note of that."

After looking over the menu, receiving our drinks, and placing our orders, we were left in an almost awkward silence.

I nervously reach for my wine to give my hands something to do. I feel like such an idiot. I've never not known what to do like this before.

After I pull the wine away from my lips, my eyes catch his. He doesn't seem awkward at all.

Of course he wouldn't. He is a god in a suit.

His eyes are shinning with amusement.


"I've never seen you nervous."

I feel the sass in me rise to my tongue.

"I've never seen you not nervous."

Nice one, Hiraeth.

I lean forward, feeling like I finally have something to do.

"How do you always know what to do? It's like you take every single thing in stride."

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