Chapter 11: Breaking the Bond

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A few days ago I told Bryan to find some information on breaking the mate bond.

Now he is in Mr. Hale's library with me. No one is around but us and we made sure to lock the doors so we cannot be spied on. I have no idea what Kaius would do if he found out my plan. I've heard stories of male werewolves with unacquainted love locking up their mates forever.

"What did you find out?" I ask sitting across from him at one of the tables far from the door.

"It is possible thankfully. However, it is going to be quite difficult."

"Just tell me." I leaned forward in my chair.

"You must wait for the red moon... that is in a month."

I feel the hope drain from my eyes. Deep down, I know why a month is too long but I refuse to think about it.

"You need a hair from each of your heads. You will go to any lake and drop the hairs in there when the moon is at its highest. Then you must chant a line in Latin."

"What line?"

"That isn't available. First you have to go to an oracle to get blessed and then he or she will tell you what to say."

I sit back in my chair. There is a lot more to it than what I thought. Their moon goddess must take this very seriously.

"Thank you, Bryan. I'll get back to you on my plan."

Bryan nods. "There is also someone wanting to meet with you. He says he is an old friend of your sister."

My eyes widen and I sit up straight. "P... Prairie? A friend of Prairie?"

Bryan nods again.

"When should I tell him to meet you?"

"As soon as possible."

As I am waiting a few hours later in a small room in the house, I can't stop thinking about Prairie and my mother. They never deserved what happened to them. I have begun to understand that not all werewolves are bad, that is obvious. But I still feel hatred for those in power. Just like my family's killer, they use their power to hurt people.

I turn my head to the windows and see a strand of sunlight shine onto the floor before me.

Beautiful brown hair that flowed in the sun.

That was my sister's hair. It was beautiful.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear someone approach. My thoughts of my sister intensifies when I see him.

Alec, my sister's friend.

"I haven't seen you in forever, Hiraeth."

I smile at him. "Long time no see. Please have a seat."

He sits across from me. "So why did you want to meet with me?"

Alec looks at his hands and sighs. "I wanted to catch up with you since you and Prairie were so close..." his voice gets low when he says her name and he pauses. "... I've been thinking a lot about her and I'm afraid that my nightmare is true."

I feel the sadness on my face. "I remember what your mother always used to say."

He nods. "I held onto hope for years that it wouldn't be true. But I am now convinced that she was... was my...". He looks to the floor and stops himself from saying it.

She was his mate. I feel my heart ache. Seeing Alec in pain makes me realize that there is a growing ball of guilt in my chest.

What would happen to Kaius if I go through with my plan?

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