Chapter 22: The King

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I have had enough. I need to fix this. This is how it should have always been.

I call Mr. Harper and Bryan and tell them the plan is back on. I have everything I need and now I just need to see the Oracle for the words to say at the lake.

Bryan and I drive to meet Mr. Harper after informing Ryder to tell Kaius that we are visiting Bryan's mother. I can't face Kaius with what I'm about to do. To see him would...

I can't think about it now. We meet Mr. Harper at the gas station and then follow him to the Oracle.

When we arrive, the house is modest and down a dirt road in a small town about an hour from Kaius's mansion.

The exterior is dark and rustic with wild vines and bushes in the front. Instead of looking messy, it looks beautiful and natural.

"Are you sure, Hiraeth?" Bryan asks me with concern in his eyes.

"You know it won't feel good when the bond is broken. It will be painful."

I sigh and slowly nod. "I have to Bryan. I'll be fine."

We head to the front door which opens before Mr. Harper can knock.

I expected an old man or woman with greeting hair. Instead, the Oracle is a young woman with very long brown hair reaching to her knees. To my amazement, her eyes are foggy and glazed over and I quickly realize that she is blind.

"Diane, it's Mr. Harper."

"Harper!" The woman smiles, her eyes unmoving from where she must be guessing is his face. "Come in, please."

We enter and I am the last to step through the door. Before I can take in the home's interior, I feel a hand grip mine.

I jump in surprise to see that the Oracle has grabbed my hand.

"You sure you want to do this?"

"How did you know it was me?" I haven't even said a word to her.

"I can tell, dear. You have this aura about you... it's very peculiar."

"I am sure. I have to."

The woman pauses and her grey eyes stare through my brown ones. It is like she is studying me without actually being able to see me.

"I need to test something first."

She shuffled from me and across her dark home. "Please have a seat at the round table."

We all sit down and watch her as she grabs various items in her home.

After a while, she shuffles to the table and places various old items down. If I didn't know any better, I would have guessed she was a witch. The items on the table and around her home consist of things in jars, animal parts, salts, crystals, just to name a few.

She places the items in front of us and asks to see my hand. I extend it to her and she takes it.

"I want you to understand that there is no going back."

"Of course." I say understandingly.

She nods and looks down at my hand. She is quiet for so long and I almost go to say something.

Then I hear it. Mumbling.

Her eyes flash to meet mine and it makes me jump.

"I need to see what kind of bond you have with your mate. It will tell me what incantation I should give you."

She reaches to her left and grabs some powder from a bowl in the table. She sprinkles it on my hand and rubs it in. After a while I feel my hand tingling and it starts to hurt.

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