98 | Concussed

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sorry for being inactive i was in prison for dog theft and then i got hit by a freight train :D

"Jacob! Give me the fucking remote," Tom yelled, one arm out stretched to Jacob and the other resting around Zendaya's shoulders. Zendaya had her legs propped up, knees together as she sat, playing on her phone. "Jacob come on!" Tom stretched to try and reach jacob who was flicking though the TV giggling.
"Just get up Thomas," Zendaya watched Tom trying to stretch over and failing miserably.

"No I don't wanna let go," He groaned and Zendaya flicked his arm off, "No! Jacob give me the remote please!" Tom quickly put his arm back around her and started to kick Jacob who had put on the Backyardigans. He started singing along and laughed at Tom who sat straight faced, pissed.

"Give me the fucking remote," Jacob stopped dancing.
"Yo, why are you being such a dick Tom Im just having fun like-"
Zendaya sat staring at the two boys in shock and slight amusement, meeting eyes with Laura who had just walked in, also shocked.

"Jacob come on man I've had a really hard day quit being a twat,"
"Thomas!" Zendaya slightly slapped Tom on the shoulder as if to tell him to shut his mouth.
"Are you seriously taking his side right now," Tom rolled his eyes and sat back on the couch.
"Dont be like that Tom come on."

Jacob was clearly getting frustrated and shrugged at Laura who walked past him, a questioning look on her face.
"Ugh it's fine," Tom sat forward but as he did Jacob went to chuck the remote so it would land in his lap. Instead it hit him square in the temple, hard.
"What the fuck is wrong with you mate!" Tom screamed and pegged it back at his legs.

"Alright we are going home come on," Zendaya stood up and before Tom could protest they were out the door.


"He was just trying to have some fun Tom,"
"I really was not in the mood love I'm sorry," Tom walked back to his trailer, holding his head.
"You should apologise to Jacob not me," Zendaya unlocked his trailer and walked through the door, "come on."

Tom had zoned out and didn't even notice himself drifting until he felt cold hands grab his arm.
"Thomas!" He snapped back into consciousness and groaned as Zendaya basically dragged him inside, "What the fuck."

"My head...Z I'm gonna fucking pass out," Tom stuttered and lay down on the couch holding his head in his hands. Zendaya knelt beside him with a glass of water.
"Jacob really hit you hard huh..." she ran her hand through his hair gently as Tom chuckled.

Toms head was pounding. He could see colourful spots in the air and his ears were ringing. "Do you need to go to the doctor?" Zendaya asked softly and sat next to him, letting his head rest on her leg. Tom shook his head slowly and closed his eyes. "Try to stay awake Tom."

time skip.

Tom ended up calling the doctors office while Zendaya was asleep. He didn't want to seem weak but he also wanted to wake up in the morning. They said he likely had a mild concussion and needed to wait up for 24 hours before going to sleep, with lots of water of course.

Tom sat up in bed, Zendayas head pressed against his thigh as she slept. He smiled to himself, occasionally glancing at the time, 12 more hours left. He groaned and let his hand rest in Zendayas hair, playing with it gently.

This was going to be a long night.

lmao this chapter is the same height as me. short.

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