4 | "You two?"

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Toms POV

The set couch wasn't that comfortable. To be honest I would rather be in my trailer right now but meetings are mandatory.

I was sitting by Zendaya and Jacob listening to Jon speak about the new movie.
"So Zendaya, Tom you two are going to be love interests."

Zendaya smiled and slapped my shoulder.
I groaned jokingly and she lent back on the couch and folded her arms.

"We will be introducing a new character"
All of us sit up, "Michelle's brother."

"Who is it?" Zendaya leans her chin in her hands.
"That's the thing...Zendaya we want you to know that you can get rid of this person."

"Like fire them? Can I fire tom?"
"No you can't fire me! I'm spiderman!" I yelled in anger and she laughed in response.
"No z this is serious.."

I see Zendayas confused expression on her face and I feel as if I have the same one, who would she possibly want to fire.

I lean back so that our shoulders are rubbing against eachother and Jon gets up to open the door.
I feel Zendaya go tense and her breathing starts to get heavy.

"Trevor..." she stands up arms still folded.
I look to my right at Jacob and he signals that we should stand up too.

My head shot up. That's what I called her. No wonder she didn't like it.
I stood up slowly.

"And you must be Peter" he stuck out his hand
"Um Tom..." I shook his hand
"Same thing" he pulled away and went back to Zendaya.

He was a lot taller than me but I tried to stand my ground. I knew how uncomfortable Zendaya was right now I could feel the awkwardness in the atmosphere.

"Jon why is he here?" Zendaya gritted her teeth.
"He was the best fit. But you can say no"

"Well then I ha-"
"Wait Z!" Trevor interrupts her and she scoffs.

This was about to get intense.
"What do you want"
"I want to try this again"

I could feel my conscience saying, 'slap him, hit him, get him out of here' but I stayed still.

"Are you being fucking serious!" Zendaya yelled
I jumped a little, "After what you did to me you think I'm just going to come running back!"

"Zendaya please.."
"What happened to your side chick huh! What happened to her!"
I could see that Zendaya was about to cry and I felt like firing this jackass myself.

"I dumped her days after you left me.."
"After I left you!" Zendaya was choking on her words, "Trevor YOU broke MY heart and now you break another just to see if you can get another chance!"

"Daya...." he put a hand on her shoulder and she shrugged it off. He tried again this time on her cheekbone.

She slapped him.
"Fuck off Trevor!"

"Zendaya I swear to god." He was angry now, "you will never find someone like me!"

"I hope I don't!" She was crying now, "you're a dick!"

"Give. Me. This. Role. Or I swear" he was stepping closer now.
"Fuck. Off."

He screamed in anger and grabbed her waist and pulled her so that their chests were touching.
"HEY HEY!" People we're stepping in now including me I pried his hands off her and pulled Zendaya back wards.

She was in tears.

I put an arm around her shoulder and let my hand rest in her hair.
I put my other hand on the bruise on her hip.

"Get the hell off her!" Trevor came lunging at us but security held him back, "get off!"

I pointed at him and looked at Jon
"Get him out right now." Zendaya was facing away from Trevor. Her face in my neck.

"Zendaya you have no excuse!" Trevor yelled.
"no excuse! No excuse! I have a perfect excuse!"

I pulled her back into me.
"What's your excuse huh!" He yelled back at her, "your single, you have free time, yo-"

"Shut up you jack ass!" I pointed at him and tightened my grip around Zendaya.
"What would you know Tom! Your nothing to her!"

"He more to me than you will ever be!" Zendaya looped both arms around my back.
"Bull shit...you two?"
Zendaya nodded, I know where she was going with this.

"Wait you two aren't dating are you?" He laughed.
Shit. The whole cast was here. Zendaya tightened her grip on my giving me a signal. I can't believe I was about to do this.

"Yes. We are." There goes my life.
Trevor screamed in anger.
"Zendaya I assume you want him to leave..." I gritted.

"Get him out..."
Security took him away and as soon as he was gone Zendaya melted in her own tears.

She fell on the ground and I tightened my grip around her. And pulled her close.

I rested my chin on her head trying to calm her down.
"It's ok...he's gone...he's gone..."

"Thank you. For doing that. I know you didn't want too.." she wiped her tears away.

"So is it true..." Jacob stood over us, "you two?"
"No." I scoffed. But on the inside I wish it was...

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