67 | Nightmare

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Warning ⚠️: the oneshot you are about to read contains major fluff and is extremely basic. If you have a problem with the author being a basic bitch then please click away now for your safety. The author holds no responsibility for any health problems that may follow.

Zendaya sat on the couch in the corner of the stunt room and was watching Tom do a stunt.
The stunt was weird. He was supposed to dive straight into the mat.

Zendaya watched as he jumped from a ladder and dove head first into the mat. His suit (that wasn't spiderman) flashed as he soared.

But when he hit the mat he disappeared into thin air.


No remains were left, nothing just the mat, and with that Zendaya saw he was at the top of the ladder again. Diving and disappearing over and over again.

Zendaya stood slowly to reach him but fell through the floor again. The long tunnel flashed around her, blue green blue green black...then repeat. On each blue screen a figure was seen standing then it disappeared.

Zendaya tried to scream and shake but she was frozen still falling into a green mat. When she reached it the fall repeated.

The figure, green mat then darkness.

Zendaya woke with a yelp to find the room around her dark. She began to panic as the light creeping in from outside highlighted her unfamiliar surroundings. Her breathing quickened and soon Zendaya realised she was in a hotel room.

"Tom" she croaked, her throat dry and hoarse. She was still panicking about Tom, the start of the dream was so real.

She just needed to hear his voice.

Zendaya scanned the room and the bed remembering she and Tom were sharing a room. But he wasn't in it.

She began to stress and Zendayas eyes welled up with tears. She still felt like she was falling and the room was tinted a slight blue.
Her eyes wondered over to the bathroom door that slowly opened.

She screamed at the black figure outlined by the blue lights of the bathroom.
"Hey woah woah woah Zendaya it's just me..." The figure came running over and his face came into the light that shone in from the city outside.

Zendaya let out short breaths at the sight of Toms face and hunched her shoulders, her face in her hands.
"Are you ok princess?" Tom stuttered not knowing if she was having a panic attack or something else. He put a hand on her face only to pull away quickly.

"Darling you're burning up have some water..." Tom handed her a glass of water that he had prepared earlier and put his hand on Zendayas back as she chugged the entire thing. The cool liquid caused Zendaya to shudder slightly and she handed Tom the empty glass before hunching over once more.

Zendayas breathing had almost come back to a normal pace and she looked up at him. His hair was scruffy and messy and the only clothes he was wearing were a pair of navy blue track suit pants. He was mouthing something to her but she couldn't hear...

"Zendaya!" She quickly snapped out of her daze a hummed in response, "did you have a nightmare" Tom pouted and Zendaya burst into tears. Tom changed his expression to shocked.
"Hey woah I'm sorry sweetheart" Tom quickly climbed under the covers and pulled her close to him.

He lay on his side snaking his arms all the way around her blocking her body from anything else. Zendaya lay there inside his embrace, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She shielded her face from the room so all she could see was darkness.

They lay there for a while, Zendaya quietly sobbing while Tom traced small circles on her back. Toms cold skin was slowly calming her down.
"What happened love..." he pulled away slightly so he could see her face.

"I just had this weird ass dream...about you" Zendaya whispered softly, "you...disappeared...I think...I can't remember"

Tom sighed and pulled her back into his chest.
"I'm here now..." he kissed her head and listened to the cars on the busy streets and Zendayas soft, but shaky breathing.

Zendaya rested her head in the crook of Toms neck and looked up at the roof. She now realised the blue tint was coming from the city and the hotel room was actually quite beautiful.

She pulled herself closer to tom and closed her eyes, letting his perfect sent and perfectly paced heartbeat drift her off to sleep.

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