86 | Moments

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Collection of small moments for y'all girlies.
most of these are from writing prompts but they cute so ya know.
"What's up fuckers!" Zendaya barged into Toms trailer to see Jacob and Tom sitting on a couch watching Star Wars.
Tom looked at her embarrassed before Jacob yelled back,
"Why do you have my phone?"
"Fuck you thats why!" Zendaya and Jacob laughed.
"I'm confused" Tom whispered "...that's Z's phone...yours is here Ja-"
"Fuck sake Tom you're so uncultured!"
(writing prompt but Michelle and Peter)

"Wait you're a superhero?!" Michelle gawked at the scrawny boy as she stood before her confused.
"Uh yeah how do you not know? My face is literally on the news on a weekly basis" Peter scoffed.
"Well i'm sorry, I'm in grad school. I won't have time to follow popular media until i've finished my thesis" she rolled her eyes before turning back, "you're lucky I carved out enough time to date you".
Zendaya laughed as she jumped on Tom. He yelped as he fell to the ground trying to push her off.
"You're crushing my spleen!!!" He whined
"shut up loser" she rolled her eyes, "you don't even know where your spleen is".
eh hem 😏
"Did you just-"
"Thomas!" Zendaya gasped, "you didn't seriously"
"Does that mean-"
Zendaya face palmed.
Tom snickered as he scrolled through instagram, leaning on Zendayas shoulder.
"On a scale of one to ten how bad do you think it would be if i-"
Tom pouted and put the photos of blonde hair away.
Tom stumbled into Zendayas trailer and flopped on the floor.
She jumped as he fell and looked at him,
"Are you sober?" She peered around her book,
"I'm moderately functional"
"Alright bath time" Zendaya stood and dragged Tom into her bathroom.
"I want the ducky at least!"
Thomas 💙 🌂 🕸
you gotta stop doing that

Z ✨🤪
doing what x ;)

Thomas 💙🌂🕸
Saying things that make me wanna kiss you
"I love you Zendaya" Tom whispered over the chatter of the award show. She shot him back a peace sign.
"You serious?! I pour my heart out and you're like, teehee quirky"
Zendaya showed up at Toms door, soaking wet, bruised and covered in glitter.
He opened it and laughed.
"Shut the fuck up and run me a bath" Zendaya pushed past him, slightly smirking.
"Ok so I have a plan" Tom stood behind the trailer with a water gun, facing Zendaya and Jacob.
"Is it a good one?" Jacob whispered,
"I have a plan" Tom repeated.
"Lord jesus we are fucked" Zendaya hit herself repeatedly with the gun.
Challenge time

comment on this line and make a friend.

i wanna see convos.

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