7 | Little Moments

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So I saw a chapter like this is someone's oneshot book I can't remember which but I really liked it so I'm taking it 😂 if you want me to expand on a "moment" then tell me 😂
Jacob filmed as Tom and Zendaya went zooming across his living room floor on a wheelychair. Zendayas arms were looped around his neck and she was sitting in his lap pressing her chest against his.

Tom was pushing themselves around the living room spinning them in circles.
"Tom stop stop stop!" Zendaya yelled, "Tom!"

He just laughed as he began to spin round and round  in the middle of the living room.

"So 'Tomdaya' was basically proven to be true on the weekend with that video" Toms head shot up.

"The What Sorry?" Tom took a sip of his water laughing a bit. Zendaya tensed and took Toms water for herself making the audience laugh.

"That video of you two on the plane?" The interviewer questioned again, "the one Harrison filmed. Was that meant to be up there"

"Oh!" The pair say in sync.
"I though you meant some other type of video," the three of them laughed, "I was like who has time to edit that"

Zendaya laughed again.
"Yeah um that video, is not what it looks like...the heating on the plane...broke..." Tom make gestures with his hands while he made up the story.

Zendaya just nodded.
"And Harrison and Jacob were like huddled together then they started laughing at us because we were freezing." Tom laughed a bit and looked at the audience.

"So then I was like to Zendaya...screw it..." the audience screamed, "I didn't know he was going to film us. But. That's what that is"

"But you two were asleep in that video did you stay there?"
"No so I fell asleep" Zendaya quickly butted in.
"Yeah Zendaya fell asleep and I didn't want to...move...because I'm nice...and then next thing you know it's on Harrison's instagram..."


Interview 2
"What is your favourite part about the new set for Spiderman 2?"

"Um so we rented out like a massive house instead of trailers for each of the cast members. Because the set is like 5 minutes away from these three AirBNBs."

"I have a funny story about this house" Jacob sat forward on his chair.

"Do go on" the interviewer turned his attention to Jacob.

"So my room is between Zendaya and Toms rooms. So Zendaya is here" Jacob makes a little box to his left, "I'm here" he makes a box in front of him, "and Tom is over here" he makes a box to his right.

"Oh no Jacob!" Tom covers his face with his hands.

"And I can" Jacob laughs, "I can hear everything that happens in there rooms"

"Everything?" The interviewers questions.

"What was the worst thing..."
"Jacob if you say something nasty I will punch you..." Tom looks up from his hands.

"I haven't heard any kissing I will admit but Zendaya spends a lot of time in Toms room I hear a lot of movies. No kissing though"

Zendaya face palms.
"No, no kissing"


Ellen Show

"So what was it like to work with Tom? Was he annoying, bratty?"

Zendaya chuckled as she sat on the white chair on the stage.
"No Tom was very professional, he knew exactly what he was doing he is I will admit..a bit annoying...he was a bit of a prankster"

"How was he a prankster?" Ellen asked
"He would scare me. A lot"

With that Tom came sneaking out of the dressing room with a finger over his lips.
"Do you guys hang out a lot or are you kind of distant now?"

"I haven't seen Tom in 3 months"
"Wow but when you film Spider-Man 2 will you hang out a lot?"

"If he wants to" Zendaya laughs, "I mean."

"RAH!" Tom grabs Zendayas shoulders from behind her and she screams.

She buries her head in her knees and her shoulders start to shake.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Tom laughs and runs around sitting on the small white armchair with Zendaya.

Ellen and Tom laugh as he pulls Zendaya into him holding her close.
"Holy sh..." she wipes away her tears laughing as Toms arm was still around her.

Tom kisses her head as the audience let out a big awe.
"I hate you!" Zendaya starts slapping Toms shoulders as Ellen laughs.

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