3 | Surprises

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Zendayas POV
"So Tom can't make it he has a family thing.."
My heart sunk it had been one year since we announced we were dating and I assume everyone was expecting him to be there with me.

It was the MTV movie awards and Spider-Man Homcoming was doing a special performance to promote the movie.

But Tom couldn't come.

"So a stunt guy is gonna come and you will do it with him."
They introduce me to the stunt guy and he seems really nice. His name is Lachlan and he is around the same height as Tom which was convenient.

"Are you ok.." he asks
"Yeah..no offence but I kind of wish tom was here..."

"I understand ..."

Tom has been filming the Avengers 4 and we haven't been able to see eachother in months.
I missed him a lot.


I was sitting at my table when Spider-Man Homecoming was announced and we had our performance ready.

I quickly stood up but was blocked by a series of 'security guards'
"Zendaya get up here you need to speak about it!"
Laura says from the stage.

"Excuse me..." I tap one of the actors on the shoulder and he turns away from me.

"She needs to get through!"
Jacob yells, "hello!"

On cue 'Spider-Man' comes down from the ceiling.
"May I be of assistance?"
The crowd screams as Lachlan speaks in Peter Parker's iconic accent.

It was very similar I was impressed.

Lachlan sticks out his hand and I smile and take it. But on the inside I wish it was Tom.

Lachlan subtly clips me onto the harness and whisks us both up into the air.
I place my hand around his back and shoulders and he had a hand around my waist.

I was actually flying and it felt amazing but I still wish Tom was here.

We land and the crowd screams and Lachlan starts waving at the crowd.
The crowd starts screaming, "mask off! Mask off!"
And I walk towards the microphone.

"Um Peter can't take his mask of right now."
"Yeah I have a bad cut on my face it's ugly.."

The crowd laughs and I stand there in shock.
Laura starts nudging me and I almost start to cry.

That wasn't an American accent.

'Lachlan' takes the mask off and there stands Tom grinning at me.

"Oh my god..." I cover my mouth with my hands.

"These two havent seen eachother in 6 months!"
Jacob signals to both of us.

The whole crowd goes awww but all I can hear is tom.

The tears start coming and I run over and embrace him.
He picks me up and spins me around as the crowd cheers.

Both of my hands are on his face now and he is crying aswell.

"You've grown!" I laugh.
He chucks his head back laughing and I forget we are on stage.
We have never kissed in public before but I couldn't help it.

He smashed his lips against mine and the crowd went wild I could hear everyone screaming with joy.

It was like last year all over again.

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