36 | Challenge

7.9K 109 41

Suggested by @kitkate1234567
I LITERALLY had this idea a week ago and completely forgot thank you for reminding me 😂 💕

Also TYSM FOR 12K READS AND 500 votes 💕💕😭😭😭😭

Note: Zendaya has an active YouTube channel (in this book) , like a beauty guru where she posts vlogs, tutorials and challenges.

Also the video ^^ is inspiration so watch it and just pretend that thats Tom and Zendaya.
(i legit typed Tom and Liza and didn't notice till i was editing wowow....

#RipDiza #DizaForever #IDon'tShipTizaDontComeForMePlease


Zendaya and Tom were lying in Zendayas trailer watching YouTube videos together.
Her back pressed into his chest.
Tom was using one of his arms to keep his head up and the other was wrapped around Zendayas shoulder.

As they were scrolling through YouTube trying to find what to watch next Zendaya found herself drifting off to sleep. Toms head was resting on top of hers as he surfed through the videos with his hand.

She could feel his soft breathing against her back and she rolled over snaking her arms around his body, blocking the light from the computer

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She could feel his soft breathing against her back and she rolled over snaking her arms around his body, blocking the light from the computer.

Tom clicked on something Marvel related and Zendaya listened to the audio as her cheek pressed against Toms chest.

He wasn't fazed by the fact that she moved in fact he moved his hand from under his head and placed it on Zendayas. Playing with her hair.

Zendaya wasn't asleep yet, in fact the video was keeping her awake, but she liked the position she was in, and she enjoyed the fact that Tom could come over and they could do nothing together.

"Zendaya when do you upload?" He whispered.
"Su—Oh shit!" Zendayas eyes snapped open, "I forgot!"

She sat up quickly followed by Tom who groaned tossing the blanket off Zendaya as she tried to scramble to her camera.
"What are you doing" Tom walked over to her, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Setting up." Zendaya smiled, "give me a video idea" she snapped her fingers as she walked around the room.
Tom looked over at his computer and scrolled through the videos shooting ideas at Zendaya.

She denied all of them as they would 'take to long' to film and they only had tonight before Zendaya had to start editing.

"Something quick — oh!" She pointed at Tom, "how good are you at makeup?"
"Horrible" Tom laughed.

"Perfect come sit" Zendaya patted the bed with her hand before running off into the bathroom.

Tom smiled as she scrambled around the bathroom pulling together her makeup which was previously sprawled over the counter.

When she walked back into the main room of her trailer she handed Tom a heavy bag full of all her makeup before going back to adjust her camera.

"Ok its filming don't do anything weird" Zendaya walked back to sit beside Tom.
"You're going to edit it right?" Tom looked over at Zendaya who nodded back.

He smiled and quickly kissed her on the cheek before letting her do her intro.
"Hi guys so Im with Tom...obviously" Tom smiled and rested his head on Zendayas shoulder.

"He is going to try and do my makeup I've given him a bag so hopefully he doesn't break anything - what are you doing?" Zendaya turned to look at Tom.

"Preparing" She laughed.
"Alright lets do this!"

"Ok I know that you use foundation first because Ive worn it" Tom laughed as he squirted some foundation on the back of his hand.
"Oh good technique"

"Am I not supposed to do this?" Tom laughed pointing at the back of his hand.
"No you are" Zendaya watched as he tried to find the beauty blender.

"Tom don't get foundation on the bed" Zendaya laughed grabbing his hand before he touched the sheets.

"Ok so do I just dab it...or paint it..."
"Paint it" Zendaya laughed.

"What its literally paint for your face!" Tom laughed, "ok come here"
Tom started to dab foundation onto Zendayas face in small dots.

"Yeah ok Ive seen you do this!" Tom attempted to blend the foundation, "how do you do this" he whispered.

Zendaya laughed.
"No seriously how!" Tom was now back to fiddling through her bag.

"Practice, makeup artists" she laughed.
"Could I be your makeup artist?" Tom handed her a mirror and Zendaya looked at herself at the pretty decent job Tom did at foundation.

"Its actually pretty good" Zendaya smiled as Tom started to do her eyes, "Do you think I need makeup?"

"Nah" Tom shook his head, "I don't think anyone needs makeup, I think alot of people like makeup though and thats cool"

Zendaya smiled as Tom put random colours on her eyes.
"Don't forget to blend" She sung as Tom was basically just patting colours on.

"Should I do eyeliner" Tom went back to fiddling through the bag.
Zendaya gave the camera a worried look and adjusted herself so one of her legs was resting over Toms.

"Found it" Tom sung as he grabbed Zendayas eyeliner and shuffled closer to her, "oh lord how do you do this" Tom held the side of Zendayas face as he tried to put the eyeliner on.

"Ow!" Zendaya yelped as he poked her in the eye, "Tom!"
"Im sorry are you alright" Tom looked up into Zendayas eyes as she blinked repetitively fanning her eyes which were now watering.

"Don't cry you will ruin all my hard work" They both laughed before Zendaya leaned in to kiss him, "wait but its filming..." Tom pulled away.

"I can edit it out" she giggled before kissing him again.
"Oh that reminds me!" Tom pulled away and went back to digging through Zendayas bag.

"Lipstick!" Tom sung  as he pulled Zendayas nude lipstick out of the makeup bag.

Tom put a hand on Zendayas lower back pulling her closer to him as he applied her lipstick.
"There we go! beautiful!" Tom looked very pleased with his work as he handed Zendaya the mirror.

"Hey not bad! The eyes are actually really good!"

Tom had a huge goofy smile plastered on his face as Zendaya turned off the camera.


After they packed up Zendaya went into the bathroom and wiped off her make up only to walk back in to see Tom asleep on the bed. She smiled and sat on the bed an edited her video whilst running her fingers through Toms hair as he slept stomach down on the bed.

Tom shuffled and moved over resting his head on Zendayas chest, hugging her side as she edited.

She sighed and looked at the time.


"Fine this can wait" Zendaya shut her laptop and pulled the blanket over the two of them before snuggling into Tom.

"Oh by the way Tom if that video gets 200k likes Im doing your make up..."

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