80 | Relax

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80. Freakin 80 dam chapters are in this book. WHAT!
And we are at 100K READS! WHAT THE FLIPPY!

I have become a lot more active on my insta so you guys should tots go give it a follow. @amhollande it's a good time.
The photo above is something I recently posted. If you guys want me to do edits of things then DM me the photos and I'll see what I can do!


Zendaya sat on the couch glancing at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time. She was silently waiting for her guest who had been out of her reach for months. Well one month, it felt like a century to Zendaya, everyone's days seemed to pass quicker than hers. Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone letting out a small buzz from across the room.

Zendaya jumped up, stumbling over her own feet to get to the device. When she reached her phone she swiped it up and the cute photo of her and tom that she saw everyday popped up. She smiled and shifted her eyes up to the message above their heads.


Guess who.

Zendaya squealed and dropped her phone on the couch as she ran to the door. She pulled it open and smiled even wider as her sight was greeted by a silver Audi and her boyfriend unloading two duffle bags from the trunk.  Her heart started beating as she sprinted down the stairs towards Tom who has just noticed she was running, he dropped and bags, smiled and was greeted by Zendayas body colliding with his.

"Some ones excited..." Tom chuckled as Zendayas limbs wrapped around his body. He spun them both in circles, kissing Zendayas cheek. "I missed you..." she whispered still hugging his warm body as tight as she could.
"I missed you too sweetheart"

Zendaya stayed clinging onto to her British boyfriend as he unloaded the rest of his stuff from the trunk of his car.
"I love you darling but you have to get off" Tom flipped Zendaya around so she was on his back, "get off you sloth I'm not a tree branch"

Zendaya scoffed and hit the back of Toms head.
"Owieee don't hurt meee!" Tom quickly popped Zendaya off his back and started running up the stairs with his bags.
"Get back here tree branch!" Zendaya screamed and ran after him.

Her long legs quickly caught up and she tackled Tom as soon as they were invisible inside Zendayas home. Tom squealed like a little girl and tried to push Zendaya off him but she held on, her arms wrapped around his neck, a calm expression settled on her face.
"Get off me!"


Tom groaned and flipped them both over so he was ontop of her. Zendayas shocked expression made Tom laugh and he stuck his tongue out at her, slowly getting closer.

Zendaya let out a loud scream and pushed her head into the floor turning away from her dork of a boyfriend, "Don't you dare touch me Holland". Tom snickered and pinned Zendaya down by her wrists before playfully licking side of her face.

"You ass!" Zendaya screamed and laughed trying to break free from Toms grasp but he shut her off by pushing his lips down onto hers. Zendaya let out a small moan causing Tom to small and loosen his grip.

Zendaya took this as a chance to push him away slightly but Tom held his ground slowly moving his kisses down her neck. "Thomas...Stanley...Holland it's to hot for this"

"You're to hot for this" Tom whispered and Zendaya bit her lip smiling before shoving him off her. "I'm getting in the pool you coming?"

Tom scoffed and looked at her, "are you kidding Ive been in London for four weeks I would kill to see you in a bikini" Tom walked over to his bag and whispered in Zendayas ear, "or nothing at all"

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